
Full Up Color Script By Lou Romano

News UP

Notice: Before clicking any links, be aware that they will lead to major spoilers from Up.

Up plays out in Production Artist Lou Romano’s latest blog post. That’s because he’s uploaded the complete color script for the movie! Color scripts basically dictate what the lighting and mood will be for a shot. The lighting department uses these as guides to capture the director’s and the production artists’ vision for the final film. These specific pieces were made from January to March of 2008, so they’re fairly recent.

If you haven’t seen Up yet, do not proceed because many of the images in the post reveal major plot points including the ending. I would consider the whole entire post a big spoiler, only meant for those who’ve seen the film. So if that’s not you, do not continue with the links until then.

If you have seen the movie, marvel at how close the pieces are to the final product! As you probably know, you can find art like this (and much more) in The Art of Up which is available now!

Anyhow, it seems Lou’s blog has come up here a lot lately, for more of our posts pertaining to his works click here and here. Also, don’t forget to check out Lou Romano’s blog!

Last modified: June 17, 2009