Toy Story 4 will hit theaters in 2017.

Usually, Toy Story is a “buddy movie”… wonder how well a “love story” can be pulled off. Though I can only assume Randy Newman’s got the right song for it. As far as love goes, we’ve got Buzz and Jessie, but they’ve pretty much been explored in Toy Story 3… not much more to add. As for Woody… there’s Bo. If they can find a believable way to bring her back, then by all means.

Also, if this were announced on the tail end of Toy Story 3 busting records left and right, I might be a little suspect, but a fair amount of time has gone by.

Speaking of Randy Newman, i’m going to make a prediction that might sound blasphemous: I dont think he will return.
Maybe they would get Michael Giacchino instead. They brought Randy back last time because of how long it had been since TS2, they wanted to remind the original audiences of how the first one made them feel. But the 4th represents a new chapter, so they’ll want a fresher take. I love newmans stuff and wouldnt complain one bit if he comes back, but it tends to sound the same after a while. I heard both toy story and a bugs life in Princess and the Frog, and a Bugs Life in Monsters University.

WTF? A Love story focused film? Why don’t they just make a special on that instead? Let me guess, we are playing match maker for Woody right?
While I felt bad for Woody for not having any one in the end and Jesie x Buzz being practically confirmed while he’d be alone, I have a bad feeling that’s how it will start off :unamused:

Can’t you guy’s think of a better story for this? Why can’t you guy’s do a pre? I’ll see it most likely cuz I’m a big Woody fan and am curios who hey’ll end up with. My guess, Bonnie being a girl buy’s Bo peep at some other garage sale . Now I’m sad :frowning:

Lasseter is the new Lucas.

I’m excited.

As much as Disney LOVES sequels and the easy money they make, I don’t think Pixar would make a fourth Toy Story film unless they really believed in the strength of the characters and the strength of the storyline that they have in mind.

I have no idea what direction a fourth film may take the (expanded) gang. As for the “love story” rumour, perhaps it has more to do with the toys growing to love Bonnie? While Woody, Buzz, Jessie and company all appear to be fond of Bonnie, the film may be about them accepting Bonnie as their new owner, which could be a particularly difficult process for Woody given his strong connection to Andy.

Or maybe they’ll finally explore the palpable chemistry between Woody and Ken and have them ride off into the sunset on the back of a dinosaur!

Okay, after hearing the news, I have to admit that I’m a little mixed. Dont let me wrong, Toy Story franchise has yet to let us down. I enjoy their many short adventures. But the thing I have with it is that TS3 ended so perfectly that everything else just seems unnecessary. Pixar is now starting to become a sequel machine. Which can be good or bad. In the case of the 3 Toy Story movies, they were all fantastic, each one just as good or better than the last. But then, you get the ones like Cars 2 (and 3), which i enjoyed, I really did, but it can not compare to the other quality films. Pixar has been so brilliant with their original work that all other sequels just seem like their just milking for more money.
There is only ONE movie in the Pixar world that I believe deserves a sequel. Call me biased, but the movie The Incredibles is the only movie that deserves a sequel. (And we’re getting one Thank God). Each movie had some sort of closure to the plot of the movie. But the difference is that The Incredibles is tghe only movie that left a door open (figuratively) for a second one.
Honestly, I’ll watch it. Pixar has yet to release a movie in which i was incredibly disappointed. ButI’ll say this. Toy Story 3 is my second favorite Pixar movie. TS4 has to hit a grand slam in exceeding expectations. That’s not gonna be easy. But I have faith in Pixar.

I reallllllllly hope the “love story” roomer is bad reporting, or a miss-communication. I really think it is, John would never ruin his own baby, especially not with a love story :frowning: :cry:

Here’s a teaser poster I made just for kicks.

^Looks good. I’m not personally too happy with the whole “love story” thing but if John Lasster couldn’t stop thinking about it, then it should be great, unless John was thinking about Woody and Bo “watching the sheep tonight” 8D 8D 8D

Does a love story necessarily mean a romance? It could be about the bond between a toy and a child. Does a romance necessarily mean it will be boring? It could be done in an interesting way, especially if it has another plot going on. Will it necessarily be about Woody and the gang? It seems most likely, but it isn’t confirmed yet. I mean, Monsters University had Mike as a main character rather than Sulley, after all.

Of course not. I’d consider Wall-e a love story, people loved that one didn’t they?

I don’t really get some of the people I’m seeing who are instantly judging it based on that fact alone.
As for the does it have to be about a romance thing, well, yeah I’d say so. Unless I’m missing something.

I was just thinking about the possibility it’ll focus on a side guy. Given it’s from John “Let’s give the main spot to Mater” Lasseter it seems likely.

My money’s on Rex.

Though, you’re kind of right, I think I’ve seen “love story” be used in a non-romance context before. I think.

Cars 2, M.U., Finding Dory, Incredibles 2, Cars 3, and now this; what’s with all the sequels? If it takes place right after 3 does that mean the shorts come after, or are they non-canon now? I trust John, but this is risky, and he should know that. This film could channge the francise, either in a bad way or good way. I made a reaction video, so I talked about everything there.

What if the love story is between Rex and Trixie?

Perhaps unpopular opinion below

I still have a lingering wish that Lotso will return, however unlikely that is. If I’m not mistaken, Randall is the only Pixar villain that has had a decent sized role in more than one movie (I’m still hoping for a third Monsters movie, and I’m hoping he’ll still be in that one too. As much as I like Mike and Sulley, it wouldn’t be the same without Randall).

I wouldn’t take him that literally on that. You would only need maybe a few months between 3 and 4 and still be able to squeeze in all the shorts. It’ll probably be no different from the gap we had from toy story to toy story 2. Maybe a bit less, but enough, you know? I cant think of too many sequels that pick up just seconds or moments from the previous entry. You only really see that in TV shows.

^Exactly. The timespan from 1 to two was a few months right?

I think it was more like 3 years. Andy was about 12 in the second, and I think 8 or 9 in the original.

Oh. I remember having a Toy Story 2 magazine that said it was about 6 months.

Andy was 6 in the original. There was never an official word on Toy Story 2 to my knowledge (though I don’t think I ever read the magazine PixarDude referred to). I always assumed it was about two years later. I remember another source had Andy as being 10 in both movies.

Between Wall-E and Up, we know that Pixar can tell a decent love story.

The art of book for TS3 has design sketches for different stages, the one for TS2 has the caption (age 12?), so that’s what I go by for that. They don’t list an age for the original movie’s Andy on that particular page. But yeah, the truth is they never really locked that down. But the biggest tell we have on screen is if you look at how Molly grew from the first to the second movie.

I dont buy that he was 6 in the first one. On the page I’m talking about they have the first stage listed as age 6, but next one has him looking older (no age listed) and is a draw over from a frame in the movie. Which tells me he was definitely older 6.

Edit: my description might hard to understand, so I’ll just post the page I’m talking about. … ionart.jpg