Cars DVD Cover Art

A small thumbnail of the Cars DVD cover art has popped up over at Ultimate Disney.

I’m a bit disappointed. I know it’s not a big image, but I hope they make some changes to it before December.

I don’t see the picture… But I hope it’s not too bad…

It could be worse - a lot worse - but it could be better, too.

From what I can see, I love it! I can’t tell what’s in the upper righthand corner though.


All I see is a white box with a red cross on it. I dunno what that has to do with Cars tough :stuck_out_tongue:

editoh wait now I see it, the upper right corner is either Mack or Frankedit

It’s colorful - the image is vastly too small for me to say truly whether or not I like it yet though.

It’s Sally and Lightning looking at the sunset.

A little too colorful, IMHO…The other Pixar covers have a more stable color scheme.

ok my bad :smiley: now you told me I can see it too. and I kinda like the art actually. altough I would like the original movie poster (the red
with the cars logo) more as a dvd boxcover.

That would have been neat, but then again, I always like how Pixar comes up with new stuff for the cover art instead.

Still too small to judge … but I’m

getting the “crappy Disney sequel vibe” … or not even that … almost all their covers – especially

for their rereleases of older films to DVD … they just try to cram in every single character and thats a bit

… too much.

But no matter what - its not like it’s going to prevent me from buying the movie anyways.

Wouldn’t the logo be fine? I can’t really imagine anything that’d feel appropriate to representing the

whole movie though – other than the logo. I guess. =\

It’s all right, but it needs to be


They’ll probably make some changes (I hope)!


dont like it at all. Its too busy. All the other Pixar covers are great but this one sucks. But it is still in

early stages.

For the record - my

manager informed me today that Cars has been given a November street date. She said she thinks it’s the third

week but wasn’t sure. I’ll let y’all know as soon as I get a definite answer! :slight_smile:

Awesome thanks Dash! So by the sounds of that the Nov 7 date is likely to


Not necessarily - she also said she thought it was the 17th but that’s not a

Tuesday - so the 7th is still very much on the table if she just misread.

Also - if I remember right we

begin pre-sales as early as September 14th

The Sheriff of Radiator Springs

(Michael Wallis) told me months ago that he didn’t have a set date for the DVD release, but that it would be

before Christmas.

I hope it’s November 7th – one week before my birthday. :slight_smile: Though knowing my family I won’t

be allowed to touch it till my actual birthday … darn. :frowning:

Well maybe you will have to take

your parents out to get it for you on your birthday.

I hope Disney has a date soon.


film itself still hasn’t come out over here, so I’ve no idea for a certain date, but it’s probably going to be

just before Christmas for sales.

I can;t wait for the DVD to come out. It’s

still in theaters, but I still can’t wait for it. I wonder what easter eggs they might have in this movie.