Pixar Caption Game!!

OK, I’ve seen this on numerous boards so far, and I figured it would be fun to do here. Right up front I’ll say it’s not exactly a competition, but rather just something to play around with. Every once in a while (as much as I can spare it & as long as this thread “lives”), I’ll post a screenshot from a Pixar movie that looks somewhat odd. For those that are not familiar with the game, the general rule of is to come up with a description of what exactly is going on in the picture - Don’t be afraid to get creative about it, some of the funniest bits I’ve seen come from this game.

General board rules apply, nothing vulgar or offensive, please. Also, I obviously don’t own any of the movies I post screenshots from - Disney & Pixar owns them.

We’ll start with a screenshot from one of my (obviously) personal favorites, and an example of what we’re looking for.

Guido: Remember kids, go light on the shrimp and chianti, or this is what could happen!

Luigi: Daaaaaaaaisy, daaaaaaaisy…

xDDD!!! That was hilarious, CGI! xDDDDDDDD!!!

K9Girl has been wanting to do this forever, and boy, she can do some funny ones. She’s (almost) as crazy as Mitch. Anyway, I can probably think of some caption for that pause, but I could never do one any better than what you came up with. xD

LOL, well don’t let it scare you away. :smiley: Remember, I’ve been staring at these things for a while. Thanks for the comment, though. :slight_smile:

Guido: Folks, you are looking at Radiator Spring’s biggest opera star!

Cool! I love doing captions! Okay, I got one for this, kinda dumb but it’s what just popped into my head-

Luigi: OOOOOOOOOklahoma where the wind blows sweeping down the plain!

lennonluvr: Oh dude that is so clever. I think that is the most creative one I have ever heard. (I love that song too)

Really? You think that’s clever? Well, thanks! :slight_smile:

Your’e welcome! Is someone gonna post another caption?

Yeah, because I got nothing else for this one…unless I think. Bad things sometimes happen when I think though :wink:

Well, I figure it’s about time for a new pic. :slight_smile:

Okay, I got one. It’s a little juvenile but-


lennonluvr: Well, not only is it funny, but it works too.

Oh man, this is a hard one. I need to take some time thinking of a clever one for this.

Haha! That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw this and looked at Anchor’s expression…

Guy behind camera: Smile and say CHEESE!

Bruce: CHEESE!

Chum: Bruce, that’s not how you do it!

Alternate caption-

Is it OK if I make a caption for the CArs one?

Guido: Hey Luigi, I wrote the word ‘gullible’ on the ceiling!

Luigi: Really?
looks up

Luigi: Where? I can’t find it!

Alternate caption-

Luigi: OWWWWWWW!! Guido, did you drop thumbtacks on the floor AGAIN?!

That’s it for now. Au revoir.

xDDDDDD Perfect, RMSH! Hilarious!

Boy, we need to give Luigi a break. LOL

Captions - sweet. :sunglasses: Lemme see what I can do with that Finding Nemo one…

Chum : Give it to me straight - do my breath mints work?
Bruce : AAAACK!

Yeah, for future reference, you can always comment on a past picture. I just put a new picture up whenever it seems like the thread’s been inactive for a while. :laughing:

Bruce: I’m gunna sing the doom song now!! DOOM DOOM D-DOOM DOOM D-DOOM DOOM~
Anchor: GIR… please… stop… singing…
Chum: O.o Da heck?

you won’t get it if you don’t watch Invader ZIm. :laughing:

Seems funny, but I don’t watch Invader Zim; therefore, I don’t get it. ROFL

Bruce: ♫I’MMM a lumberjack and I’m okay, I sleep all night and I work all day

Chum/Anchor: HEEE’S a lumberjack and he’s okay, he sleeps all night and works all day!..♫