After The Axiom

This one’s kinda short, but I have a lot more longer ones coming. :nerd:

#1: The Minnies

It had been a month since the Axiom landed on Earth. It was almost dark and Wall-e wasn’t home yet, even though Wall-e said that he would be late today, Eve was looking outside every couple of minutes to see if Wall-e was returning. M-o said that he was going to go visit the other robots (it was the monthly cleaning day) so the only company she had was from Hal, Wall-e’s pet cockroach. To get her mind off of her worrying she decided to clean up around the truck…

Eve was just organizing some knick-knacks with Hal on her shoulder when she heard someone calling her name.
“Eva?” It came again, but this time she didn’t even have to think before she knew who it was.
Eve rushed over to Wall-e and gave him a kiss, her worry fading away.
Today, unlike others, Wall-e had something very special for Eve.
“Look,” Wall-e warbled, pushing his Bn’L cooler towards Eve.
At first, Eve didn’t get it. There were just a bunch of scraps used to make robots, but once Wall-e explained, Eve loved the idea. They were going to make littler robots, or kids, out of trash.
Eve picked up Wall-e and shot int the air, spinning him around as if they were on an invisible dance floor in the sky.
Now all they needed was an OK from M-o (because he lived in the truck too, so if they were going to do something that big they all have to agree).

“Kids? No!” M-o shouted in horror after Wall-e told him his idea.
“Huh?” Wall-e inquired, confused by the way M-o was acting.
“MESSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!” M-o screamed as high as his volume limit would let him.
Eve, obviously startled by the extremely loud noise that came from the little robot, hovered over with a pleading look in her eyes that would make anyone agree with her.
M-o sighed, shook his head, and finally agreed, receiving a small kiss on the “cheek” from Eve.

The next day, Eve, Wall-e, and M-o went to the Buy and Large store to get the rest of the parts to make the little robots. The Bn’L CEO, Mr. B. McCrea (the former captain of the Axiom), said that all of the people owed Wall-e and Eve for bringing them back to Earth and gave them the parts for free.
Now that they had everything, they went to work. Eve put them together with Wall-e as an assistant, while M-o pouted in his sleeping compartment.

It only took one day to make Liz, Taz, Laz, Tib, Bit, Tab, Burk, Daz, Viv, Ash, Ave, Ivy, Dill-e, Carl-e, Dais-e, Charl-e, Gull-e, Lill-e, Jess-e, Joll-e,Rose-e, Doll-e,Holl-e, and Will-e; Wall-e and Eve’s 24 kids.

Minnie Characters:
-The girl Wall-e Minnies (Carl-e Dais-e Lill-e Rose-e Doll-e Holl-e) are orange with a pink bow on either eye.
-The boy Wall-e Minnies (Dill-e Charl-e Gull-e Jess-e Will-e) are yellow
-The girl Eve Minnies (Liz Laz Viv Ave Ivy) have blue eyes
-The boy Eve Minnies (Taz Tib Bit Tab Burk Daz Ash) have green eyes

This one’s a lot longer, but I enjoy writing. Hope you like it! :slight_smile:
BTW- Auto fans, stay clear of this story. :open_mouth: :`-(

#2: Auto’s Revenge

3 months had passed since the Minnies were created. WALL-E had promised that he would get the key of the Axiom from the Bn’L CEO, the former captain of the executive star liner, and take them for a tour.
Wall-e wasn’t too excited about it though. There was a constant tapping noise against the side of the truck, and he heard other robots talking about a surviving Steward that turned Auto, Wall-e’s arch enemy, that he thought that he had left behind long ago, back on and was spying for him.
Eve told him the noise was probably just the wind, but Wall-e couldn’t shake the feeling they were being watched.
The longer Wall-e thought about it, the less he wanted to go to the Axiom tomorrow. If Auto was really listening, what would he do when they explored the Bridge Deck tomorrow?

Wall-e gazed out into the empty black world from the entrance of the truck.
“Rest.” Eve soothed him.
She was obviously worried that he was going to waste all of his energy staring into the night, but Wall-e didn’t want to go into sleep-mode. He was too worried about Auto.
Eventually, his treads took him over to where the rest of his family was already turned off for the night and found a light, troubled sleep-mode.

“What?” Wall-e groaned as a Minnie, spasifically Joll-e, gathered herself to give her Dadd-e another shove.
AXIOM!” she cried excitedly, spinning in little circles.
Wall-e looked outside. The clouds were just being lit golden with dawn sunlight.
“Later,” he replied sleepily.
Awwwwww,” Joll-e complained. The other Minnies were stirring and Eve was turning on.
“Alright,” he decided.
On the way, the family came across M-o and asked if he wanted to tag along. Without hesitation, he joined the already large group of robots.

Wall-e stared up at the Axiom. The last time he was here, Wall-e had been crushed under the holo-detecter. Now, it loomed above him with great power and size, vines entangled with all of the antennas that stuck out of its sides.
“Let’s go!” Wall-e faked a cheerful tone. He could hardly stifle a shudder as he unlocked the giant doors.
All of the Minnies lined up behind him as he started the tour.
“Food court,” he pointed to the platform above them where all of the people got their “food in a cup”.
By the time they were at the Lido Deck, Wall-e was actually enjoying himself. Just when he had almost forgot about Auto completely, it was time to go to the Bridge Deck. Once inside, the Minnies could go anywhere and press anything that they wanted.
The elevator hummed up above the pools in the Lido Deck and into the Bridge, where Auto was hanging from the roof, unmoving.
Cheers rang out as the Minnies spread into all of the spaces that they could to take turns pressing buttons. Wall-e seemed to be the only one who wasn’t enjoying himself. Even Eve and M-o were having a good time talking about memories that occurred when the Axiom flew though space.

Clank, clank, clank. The sound of a robot turning on came from the last place Wall-e would ever want to hear it. He turned around to see Auto’s big, red eye fixed right on him.
“It’s been a long wait, but I finally have you,” Auto’s deep, mono-tone voice was filled with hate.
“Get out!” Wall-e warbled and gathered up the Minnies. He had never been more scared than he was now. Eve led the Minnies out while Wall-e and M-o brought up the back.
We need to get help! He thought.
Once they got down to the Lido Deck, Eve took a head count.
“…21,22,23. Oh no!” she shrieked.
Wall-e rushed over. One Minnie was missing.

“This will show Wall-e,” Auto cornered Ave, the smallest girl Minnie Eve, and took out his tazer.
Wall-e rushed over as fast as his treads could take him and stood between his enemy and his daughter. Fire burned in Wall-e’s eyes and fueled his anger. All of his instincts told him to get away as fast as he could, but he stayed like he was built into the ground, staring back at a robot that could easily break him to the point that no one could fix him.
Auto lunged at Wall-e, but missed by an inch when Wall-e swerved behind him. Faster than light, Wall-e started pushing Auto towards the window with such force that Auto came off of his railing and crashed clear through the glass and into the pool.
Wall-e watched Auto fall.
I did it, he thought as his vision faded, and collapsed with relief and weariness.

“Wall-e?” a voice roused him from sleep-mode. He opened his eyes to see Eve hovering in front of him. He could hear the Minnies playing outside and cheering as someone completed the Rubix Cube.
“Eva,” he got up and she gave him a kiss, “Auto is gone.”

#3: Nan-e

Tomorrow was Wall-e and Eve’s one-year anniversary. If they couldn’t find someone to watch the Minnies, they would have to stay home. Right as they were deciding they would just have to give up, Eve brought up Nan-e. Nan-es were the robots that watched over the human kids on the Axiom. Wall-e saw that Eve looked very sure that a Nan-e would take good care of the Minnies, so he agreed to go to the school later that day and see if there was a Nan-e that was free to watch the Minnies. M-o could keep them for a little while, as long as “Hello Dolly” was on. Wall-e and Eve got really lucky; there was only one Nan-e that was free. M-o left shortly after to visit the reject bots at their home.

“Awwwwww…” Ash whined in unison with all of his brothers and sisters. His Dadd-e and Momm-e had just told them that they were going to the shore were their Dadd-e had engraved Wall-e + Eve on a public trashcan.
The thing that most upset him though was the robot that would watch them for the night.
Nan-e was a tall, boxy robot with a single eye that looked just like Auto’s. She had a bump on the other side of her head that was probably there to look like a human bun and blue stripes that ran down her white body.
Ash was about ready to yell out loud when he saw his parents leaving them with Nan-e.
This is going to be a long night, Ash thought, knowing that his siblings weren’t happy with it either.

Nan-e was just about to start teaching the alphabet when Ash was hovering into the truck.
We know the alphabet, we’re robots for gigabyte’s sake! He was just thinking about how stupid Nan-e must be when she started off:
‘A’ is for apples, that grow on trees,” her voice was flat, monotone, and just plain boring.
“Stop!” a Minnies voice rose above all other murmuring. Laz, the biggest Eve Minnie, emerged from the crowd.
She hovered right up to Nan-e and clicked out her gun. All of the sudden, Nan-e looked worried and scared about the quasar ion cannon being pointed at her by an Eve probe who had just begun target training. Laz explained the things that would happen if Nan-e didn’t do what they wanted, and Nan-e submitted to the Minnies’ command.

“Hello Dolly!” somebody shouted from the middle of the group of Minnies that had formed after Laz’s declaration. Ash now admired his sister more than he ever had when she got everything right on her training evaluation.
She stood up to Nan-e, he thought, amazed.
Nan-e worked as fast as she could to put on the movie that was so forcefully demanded. A little over half of the Minnies gathered around the magnified ipod while Ash and the rest followed Laz to get the Rubix Cube (she also held the record for completing the Rubix Cube in the least amount of time and could scramble it almost as well as their Momm-e could).
As Laz’s group headed towards the front of the truck, Hal jumped up onto Ash’s arm and settled himself on the Eve Minnies’s head. Hal and Ash had a connection that none of the other Minnies could match, giving the small probe one companion.

It was Ash’s turn to unscramble the Rubix Cube. He turned the columns on the multi-colored cube several times and finished it at the slowest time on record (1 minute, 33 seconds). Laz was the only one cheering. All of the sudden, Ave started booing and the rest of the Minnies joined in (except Laz). Ash had never been so humiliated, not even Laz could stop the teasing and bullying. At that moment, Ash lost his temper. The rage bubbled up inside of him until he just had to let it out. He charged forward, aiming at Ave’s arm. He reached out, grabbed Ave’s arm, pulled it out of its magnetic field, and zoomed away feeling the constant sensation of being followed.
I’ll show her not to mess with me! he thought to himself.
“Ash!!!” the angry exclamation was frighteningly close.
Don’t let her catch you, don’t let her humiliate you again! he urged him self onward, going high-speed. Then, using a move that Momm-e taught them, came to a halt while turning around and attempting to fly over Ave. All of the sudden, Ave shot up and tried to intercept Ash in full speed, but he was prepared for this. He avoided her by dipping down and coming back up on her other side, starting to fly around Ave in little circles. Finally, pride obviously hurt she gave up. Giving a short, quiet warble as note of her surrender. Although Ash could have told her to do anything, all he asked for was a simple apology for making fun of him earlier.
Sorry,” she murmured, barely loud enough for anybot to hear.
Ash inquired with his green eyes.
“Sorry Ash!” she yelled with more meaning this time.
Ash handed her the arm, and nodded his forgiveness.

When he and Ave returned to the truck, some his siblings (mostly boys) cheered him on while others (mostly girls) tried to cheer Ave up. Laz was in both groups.
“Momm-e! Dadd-e!” Burk yelled from the top of the truck where he was keeping watch.
Quickly, all of the Minnies gathered around the magnified ipod and pretended that they had been watching it for some time, Nan-e playing along so that Laz wouldn’t lose her temper and shoot the boxy robot.
Not long after the Minnies’ mad dash, Wall-e and Eve came into the truck holding hands with M-o right behind them.
“Hello, your children were wonderful. Have a nice evening, goodbye,” Nan-e rushed out of the truck, getting looks from all three of the robots that had just entered.
Huh…?” Wall-e looked over all of the Minnies, searching for an answer from any of the Minnies.
Finally, Taz broke the silence. “Hiya, Uncle M-o!” He randomly shouted.

#4: Mo-she

It had been 6 weeks since Wall-e and Eve’s anniversary. Because the plants were spreading over the Earth other Eve probes began to bring the other star liners back from space. One day the Galia landed, and they had a really cute female M-o on board called Mo-she…

Wall-e beckoned all of the Wall-e Minnies for cleaning day at the dump (the people are more careful about what they through away, but they won’t just stop creating waste all together! Keep it real). Once that party had left, Eve called up all of the Eve Minnies for flight and target practice. Hal scuttled out of the truck in the direction that Wall-e’s group was going, probably hoping that there was some sort of rotten food at the vile place that Wall-e seemed to enjoy.
M-o watched them go and tried to think of what to do.
Hmmm… I guess that I could go down to the lake, it’s nice and clean there. M-o decided.

M-o looked out over the lake, watching the people play in the water on the other side. Before, M-o had heard stories that Wall-e told the Minnies about creatures called “ducks” that swam over the surface of the water, before they went extinct.
M-o began to think about being the only one of his kind, and if he would ever find any bot to love. Purd-e was nice, but he didn’t like her that much.
Just as M-o was thinking about if he would just live in the company of Wall-e, Eve and the Minnies for the rest of his life, something caught his eye.
Is that a girl M-o!?!

M-o stared in awe at the image next to him.
“Hello?” He asked timidly, to see if he got a reaction from what looked like his reflection.
The robot turned its head. It had a purple bow on the left side of it’s head confirming that the bot was a girl. Her vision screen caught the reflection of the lake, making her eyes seem to sparkle.
“Huh?” she returned, making out the form of M-o and looking as surprised as he felt.
For a moment, neither of them spoke.
imitates clearing throat M-o,” M-o stated his name hoping that the other robot would do the same.
“Mo-she,” Mo-she returned.
At the sound of her voice, M-o was enchanted. It was very like his own voice, but more high pitched and smoother than his.
What’s this feeling I’m getting? Is this love? M-o wondered in awe.
Soon, the two bots were talking about their directives and where they came from. Not surprisingly to M-o, they had the same directive. Mo-she came from a ship called the Galia, that apparently had just landed a few days ago.
Soon the sun was setting, and it was time for M-o to get home.
Rite before they left, they both agreed to meet at the same place tomorrow.

That night, when M-o got home, Wall-e, Eve and the Minnies were already there.
When Wall-e asked where M-o had been and why he looked so happy, M-o rapidly told him about his meeting with Mo-she. Eve smiled and didn’t have to guess by the way M-o talked about Mo-she how he felt about the robot.
She exchanged a glance with Wall-e and knew that he was thinking the same thing.
Ahhh, love. Eve giggled.

Every day for the next one-and-a-half months, M-o and Mo-she met by the same spot by the lake.
On the 47th day, M-o woke up feeling like he could fly, and like he could short circuit with nervousness. There was no doubt anymore, he knew he loved Mo-she.
Today I have to tell her how I feel about her, M-o just hoped that Mo-she felt the same.
On the walk to the lake, M-o thought about Mo-she. Several times, he bumped into a few robots, and a pair of young teenagers had to swerve around him to avoid crashing with the little robot.
At the lake, Mo-she was waiting for him. They decided to talk about where they lived and M-o told Mo-she Wall-e and Eve’s story (Mo-she got very close to M-o at the part where Wall-e died).
Mo-she apparently lived alone inside an old car, which broke M-o’s heart, so he asked her to come home with him tonight, and maybe Wall-e and Eve would let her stay.
Soon the sun was setting, casting long shadows on the grass.
“I-” the two robots started at the same time.
“Go first,” Mo-she said.
M-o hesitated, but couldn’t keep himself from saying the truth.
“I-I love y-you,” M-o stuttered wincing with embarrassment at his faltering voice.
Mo-she stayed still for a moment, and then leaned in, giving M-o a kiss.
It turned out, they both felt the same about each other.
She loves me! She actually loves me!!! M-o shook his head as if coming out of a trans and lead Mo-she home.

Sorry readers, I’ve moved to a new site. To see my new stories, please go to and look in the fan fiction section for “After the Axiom”

a shame , that was a very good fanfic

OK, I acually got kicked out of that site and I’m continuing on Plus other stories! My user name is “Wall-e’s Eve”.

EEEP!!! I just realized how to make my stories a lot better but I can’t change them on here!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! If you want to see the totally awesome and improved “After the Axiom” just go to They’re awesomer there!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: