Toy Story 3 Fanficton

If Andy were to throw his toys into a donation bin, how would they react? Find out soon.

Based off a dream I had.

Yeah, I’m a bit lazy right now, but I’ll get it done soon.

A blue van bulls up to a store. A young man gets out, and lays the bag on the top. He revs up the car and goes.

Rex is pulled up by the other toys. They jump down, and see a toy store. Lenny is stuck in the bag. The other toys get in, while Lenny moves his feeble legs worthlessly.

Woody heads towards the old west aisle, Buzz heads for the space aisle, and Rex heads for the video game aisle. Rex, with his big tail, knocks down Browser and Mario. They push open their boxes and get out. They begin to fight.

Buzz finds Stormtroopers. Curious, he opens one, and the one he opened starts opening others. Sonn, Buzz has an army.