New character in Ratatouille? (Spoiler)

[b]I thought this needed it?s own topic so I made one. :smiley:


[b]I first read the new review for Ratatouille on AICN and noticed that there

is a new character that we have never heard of before, he is a garbage boy named


[url=http://www.aintitco] AICN [/url]

[b][i]Warning: This review does contain some spoiler

content and strong language.[/i][/b]

[b]This is the part where I read it


[spoil]The main character is a rat named Remy who has a passion for good

food unlike the rest of his trash-eating clan. [b][i]Remy finds himself paired up with a

garbage boy named Linguini in a famous Paris restaurant.[/i][/b] After accidentally

creating a soup masterpiece, the duo hide the fact that the genius behind the cooking is Remy. Throughout the

course of the movie, they battle the jealous head-chef and Paris’s top food critic, all the while dealing with

Remy’s struggle of abandoning his family to pursue his dreams of fine cooking.


[b]So is there another boy character in a Pixar Film?

What do you

guys think about this?[/b]

[b]- JV IS TIZ!!! PIXAR:


Yeah, I read about that, too. Fascinating news! I’m

gonna put this so-called “Linguini” in my Ratatouille story. :wink:

Heheh – I love how Pixar has named almost every character in that film on some type of food or drink.

For example:

Remy - “champagne” or “from Rheims” (I

believe it also means “rower”)

Linguini - a type of


Auguste Gusteau - if you look in Wikipedia, information is given in

that this chef’s name is derived from “gusto”, an Italian word meaning


Interesting, no? Wikipedia has also added the character of Linguini to their

Ratatouille cast list. And hey – I was right! I was right about the whole

thing. :smiley:

Thanks for posting this up, JV. :wink:

[b]Hey I was just going

to ask you that. :smiley: [/b]

[b]That is awesome you should this up on your

blog! :smiley: [/b]

Any Time! :smiley:

And now you know. Heheh. :smiley:
[quote="JV IS TIZ!!!

That is awesome you should this up on your blog! :smiley:

Hey, I never thought of that! Thanks for the tip, JV! :wink:

I wonder what other

characters we will see in the future? So far, we know that there are at least two main human characters and a few

rats (Remy and his family, and Rollie). We also now know that Remy (at least) actually interacts with a human,

unlike the characters in Finding Nemo. Sounds like a new break-through in Pixar


[b]No Problem Mitch! :smiley:


[b]Yeah it’s going to be awesome! :smiley:


[b]Well kinda, because in Toy Story 1 remember when Woody talks to Sid?

That’s Toy to human interaction. :smiley: [/b]

JV (concering the “Woody-talks-to-Sid” discussion) - Oh

yes, indeed. The only difference is that he is a toy; I was referring to animals. :wink:

And I put up a post

on the character’s names in my blog, JV. :smiley:

[b]Okay I get what you are


[b]Yeah I know its awesome I saw it the first min. you put it up. :smiley:


[b]Sorry for double posting everybody, but I

just had great idea why (according to Mitch?s theory) Pixar named Rollie ?Rollie? because take off the ?ie? and

then you get Roll a type of bread!, I?m so smart. :wink:

Edit: I just on Wikipedia that it says Linguini

is actually Rollie I don?t get it, because in the paragraph where it says:[/b]

Remy finds

himself paired up with a garbage boy named Linguini in a famous Paris restaurant.

[b]Noticed it says garbage ?boy? and not ?RAT?. I still think Rollie is Rollie and the garbage

boy is a garbage boy named Linguini not Rollie. [/b]


Hey yeah, I never noticed that before: "Roll"ie. Haha – that’s cool. Nice find.


that’s odd. Perhaps someone was just fiddling around with the editing manual on Wikipedia?


Well, Pixar did a

great job animating humans last time. I wonder how they will do with this one? And will they have clothing and

hair simulation problems?

The Star Swordsman - Pixar being Pixar, I’m sure

that they will continue to steadily advance as the years wear on. Their films have always been top of the line,

but it is no feat in comparing the quality of Andy to
Mr. Incredible. You can see the difference –

although, this is predictable, as there was quite a span in years between the [i]Toy

Story[/i] films and The Incredibles.

Needless to say, I think

that the human characters in Ratatouille will be either just as good or

better than those people in Finding Nemo and

The Incredibles. :wink:

But my question is will they pay attention to the

clothing/hair simulation like in TI, or let it go like in TS.

The Star Swordsman - Ohh
I see. Good question.

I’ll guess we’ll find out, won’t we? Although, judging by the peoples’ (the chef and his

guests/customers) clothing in the Ratatouille teaser trailer, it looks pretty good.

They’ll probably put some effort into it, like in The Incredibles

But the reason why they put effort in TI is because

the human characters were the main characters.

So? Their main goal is to create films

that are beautiful story-wise, character-wise, and scenery-wise. There’s no reason for them to not put some

effort into their human characters in Ratatouille, unless they’re trying to save

time or something

Well, some of the humans in

other films besides TI didn’t have their clothes simulated (exp Boo). But if it isn’t a main character,

couldn’t they just let it go? It would save them a lot of work.

It sure would – you do have a point there. They might

add a little bit of “flair” to some of the main human characters’ clothes (ie., the chef and

“Linguini”, if Linguini is, indeed, a human boy), but may not add as much detail to people’s clothes

and accessories in the backround – actually, I almost guarantee it. I 80% guarantee it (can’t be too positive

at this point – heheh).

The could. I’m

not sure about minor characters thouhgt. Linguini sounds like a minor character. So like you said, they might add

a flair in, but nothing to extreme.

Cha – they’ll make it

good, but they won’t push themselves too hard if they don’t have to.

And doesn’t Remy supposedly meet

up with Linguini at one point? If they become partners or something, Linguini may just as well become on of the

major characters in the story – not as major as Remy, but up there.


wonder if there are any girl characters in the movie.