keep praying for japan. This is a hard time for them. They need all the support they can get.
Yeah, it was pretty shocking to hear. I was watching a news report about in my school, and apparently they say it’s Japan’s worst disaster since World War II when those 2 towns were nuked. I just hope they can sort their problems out…
Yep, very true! I keep urging friends and family to get Earthquake kits, you never know when they’ll strike. I’ve been if quite a few quakes,but no damage done or deaths. Just stuff flying off shelves. I hope it stays that way.
Not only for those who live in Earthquake country, but everyone here, despite what disasters you have or lack of, be sure to have a kit in a safe place with flashlights, ponchos, first aid kits, knives, and other survival stuff. And have bottled waters. And be sure to talk to your family about what to do if a disaster happens and you are at different places, where to go. Phone lines will be down!
Benjamin Franklin once said “The only things one can be certain about in life are death and taxes”. I think he should of added Natural Disasters to that list.
I live in the new madrid fault so we can have big earthqaukes too. Ever heard of the 1811 earthquake?
I don’t think the number 666 should be the feared number, i think the number 11 should be feared, and ironically, it’s '11.
I can’t say I’ve heard of that one
This is bad. When the Emperor is on national television urging the people to remain calm, it’s as bad as it can get. Surprisingly, even in a crisis, the Japanese can remain orderly and methodical. I’m watching the mass exodus from the North on the Bullet Train and they’re all dressed nicely and no one’s panicking. There was even a footage of a family staying behind but monitoring the news, with radioactive suits ready to leave at a moment’s notice. But they were skeptical of the news, because they don’t trust the government and the energy companies, who try to downplay the danger as much as possible.
On the other hand, international news media are taking opportunity of this disaster to discuss nuclear policies. Julia Gilard and her cronies should focus more on the rescue efforts.
Check out this comic. It’s a personifiction of King Europe (The EU) and America freaking about the Earthquake, and Japan’s response:
The artist had this to say about it "I was watching the news and the anchorman asked, “So how are the Japanese people and government taking it? Has there been any panic or chaos?” to which the reporter answered, “…No. Not really”
Pixarfan91: I have heard of the Missouri Earthqakes, (I didn’t know New Madrid was there). In California we have frequent earthquakes with little damage. In Missouri quakes are rare, but when they hit, boy do they hit!
EJE: I saw that comic yesterday and was thinking about it while watching the news this morning.
S&tW is great.
It seems like this quake happened years ago, although it’s only been a few months.