A Monster in Paris

I hope so! I was disapointed that Secret of Kells (already nominated for an Oscar by the time it was released in the States) was only on a few selected screens. I didn’t feel like driving all the way to San Francisco to see it. :neutral_face:

Looks good! I’d definitly want to be seeing this in english myself.

I didn’t understand a word in the trailer, but I am interested! :smiley:

There is a subbed trailer on youtube. That helped understand what was being said.

Do you have a link?

Here you go

Thank you! Knowing what they’re saying makes me even more interested.

I can’t wait for this! Anyone know if there are plans to localize it? It captured my interest from the first time I saw concept art a while ago on Tumblr, shared by Aerostarmonk. I too have been impressed with European animated movies lately, it looks great!

I have heard of a US release soon after the french.
They do have some english voices set up and I’ve heard rumours that Sean Lenon will voice the monster.

I don’t know where the sudden Internet-wide obsession with this came from, but it looks really good. I love the lighting.

It appears that the English version of A Monster In Paris will be released in Ireland and the UK in January 2012:


English trailer here:

cartoonbrew.com/cgi/a-monste … ailer.html

Thanks for the links! I wasn’t crazy about the English trailer, the French one was way better in my opinion.

The english trailer makes it look like a joke! I was’nt to impressed with it.
The main song, La Seine, is now in full english. Sean does pretty good singing in place of -M-

A Monster in Paris will be getting a US home video release! I love Shout Factory! :smiley:

animatedviews.com/2013/from-pari … y-arrives/

Thank you for the update Outsider! I hope that I get a chance to rent this!

Magic! snort snort

Wow, this looks so surreal and delightful all at once! And it’s set in Paris, which we all know is the city of war- I mean, love. Gotta look this up. :slight_smile:

Oh, good! I still haven’t gotten to watch this.

I saw this a while back. I definitely would’ve liked more of Francoeur, but its still good.

Have this on BluRay, I’m rather fond of it. Love when they put the M wig on the flea for a moment. :3

I still need to see this! I think it might still be at Redbox.