After thinking about his chapter for a while, I have finally decided that it was time for me to put my hands to the keyboard once more. Sorry it’s short , but I need something to fill the gap between the last chapter and Adam’s next narrative. Plus this is a crucial plot point.
Ok, just so you know, the random numbers are corrupting of the data. I explain it down below if you don’t understand what that means.
Chapter 2: The Inexplicable
November 23, 1995, 11:36:12
Today was inexplicably odd. Adam just came and took out my automatic transmission that he installed. What's going on? I can't seem to be able t0 rec011 prop0010. Have 1 been exposed to a vi10s? Or is my Ar100icial intell010nce fail011? Slow01 I be110e mo11 confu001. I wi01 h11e t0 in100101te thi1 ma001r mo01 in dept0. I shou11 sto0 rec010i1g bef011 I0 compl1tel0 tak10 ov11 my 10stem.
Well, You're probably wondering, why is his data corrupted? Why is it just 1's and 0's? and What are all of those words? I'll tell you.
The data's corrupted (messed up). I'm not telling you why, but it's not because of the automatic transmission being removed.
It's 1's and 0's because it is in binary code.
And the words, here is an "english" translating:
Chapter 2: The Inexplicable
November 23, 1995, 11:36:12
Today was inexplicably odd. Adam just came and took out my automatic transmission that he installed. What's going on? I can't seem to be able to record properly. Have I been exposed to a virus? Or is my Artificial intelligence failing? Slowly I become more confused. I will have to investigate this matter more in depth. I should stop recording before IT completely takes over my system.