Academy Award 2013

The Oscars were pretty bleh for me. The awards were okay, none of them made me cry or anything. But the host was HORRIBLE. Granted, I didn’t expect him to be tasteful or witty at all. :imp:

^Agreed. It’s already sad to know that I think it was 77% of Academy Voters are male and women are minorities in the world of filming. But we live in a world where it’s okkay to sing a joke about seeing women’s boobs in movies. It comes as no surprise that would happen from Seth MacFarlane, an anti-feminist and renown misogynist. Making a fat joke about Adele on stage, and aforementioned song trivializing women’s roles as actresses down to what’s really important- their body and not their talent.

I’ve never like Seth, and his hosting this event made me not like him all the more.

It’s quite clear from the show Family Guy he hates everything but white, male Atheists. I can’t stand him. And Adele is PREGNANT. Sure, she’s husky anyway, but just like plump. She isn’t that big. Plus, doesn’t her being pregnant make any difference? I myself am not passionate enough to call myself a feminist. However, the jokes he had were just indecent, regardless of what they were about. If he’s single, I wonder if he wonders why. And I felt he was belittling and disrespectful to the films nominated as well. I find it ironic that they kept making jokes about him being the worst host ever, because IMO, he was.

I admittedly haven’t actually watched any of the Oscars myself, just heard what won and what didn’t—and Seth is largely the reason for that. I pretty much agree with what both of you have said; his humor is just too tasteless and insensitive for me, I can’t even tolerate it.

Exactly. Insensitive. To me, he represents the people who make cancer and progeria jokes. He makes my blood boil.

Like Robert Downey Jr. said when Rick Gervais hosted the Golden Globes (compared to him, McFarlane was a sweet person):

“I think it’s great to be funny, but it’s just better if you can do it without hurting people.”

That is a wonderful example. I don’t understand why we have to demean people to get a chuckle. Personally, it seemed to me that the audience wasn’t as entertained by him also. Did anyone else notice that?

From what little I’ve seen, I’ve noticed it too. And honestly, I’m really glad for it.

White Male Atheists. PERFECT way to describe it. The worst is that a lot of his shows morals at the end are about “acceptance” especially for homosexuals. But what I notice is that entirety of the show bashing Christians, Republicans, and Women. You need to be acceptive for the whole, not to one group of people

And I didn’t know that Adele was pregnant!

I am a feminist, and a huge part of the issue of how women are treated in our society is because of the media. Gains have been made (more women are in college than men), but we are still heavily underrepresented in head positions of corporations, in the film making industry, and the government. And that won’t change while the whole of the society sees us solely as sexual objects. And Seth’s behavior at the Academy Awards and on his shows doesn’t help.

I will admite though, he is a talented singer. Love the lounge lizard style he has.

But I’m bummed that the first animator host was him, and will probably be the last as well.

I missed most of the host’s opening monologue, which was probably a good thing, but from what I saw he seemed awful.
I’ll agree with eje that he has a nice voice, though.

Well, dang, when you put it that way, it’s an even greater bummer. :frowning:

If they had say, John Lasseter, that would be he best Oscars ever! But, as you say, it’s unlikely. I only hope they’ll never ask Seth ever again due to his lukewarm results. and yes, Adele is pregnant! I don’t know why, but that makes me happy 8D

It makes me happy too, actually! And yes! Even with my immense bias aside, I think Lasseter would make a terrific host for the Oscars. :smiley: Or Brad Bird…

Oh God. Brad is so explosive and crazy, he would be hilarious. He would be the bomb :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about it, Seth said he won’t anyway. He’s glad that he could do it, and enjoyed it, but said he’s too busy with all his projects to do it again.

haha, you guys why can’t we just have all the Pixar directors host?

Ah, this I did not know. I am glad, though. And yes!! All the Pixar guys.

Sorry for being real late to the party, guys! I’ll post a detailed review on my Tumblr if I can muster the strength (after writing a one-pager for the ABC drama Red Widow for my newspaper and counting the Pixar Planet Awards votes, I’m POOPED!). But here’s my thoughts bouncing off yours:

You summed up my feelings about the winner of this year’s Best Animated Ghetto perfectly, Leirin.

I think that was the first movie I watched of her as a kid. I admired her in The Devil Wears Prada, but it was really in 2011 after Rio and One Day that I really started taking notice of her! Congrats to Ms Hathaway for your stunning performance, singing in a bathtub! :slight_smile:

Having watched Life Of Pi and Les Mis last year, and Lincoln and Flight (the latter unfortunately not nominated for Best Pic) last weekend, I can say Argo still is tops for me, if only because I’m biased to spy thrillers and historical dramas. The climatic scene where Tony Mendez and the Americans have to rely on the power of movies to talk their way to freedom was one of the most heartwarming moments in cinema for me last year (next to a few in Wreck-It-Ralph, its short Paperman, and the ending of Brave and Life Of Pi).

I haven’t watched any of the other nominees because I’m not interested or, in the case of Django Unchained, not out here yet.

I thought Lincoln was on a roll early in the awards season, but I guess I didn’t pay attention to the tail end. I was taken by surprise by Argo winning, but I’m glad that it won (among the nominees I’ve seen so far, it deserved it).

Yes. This! As I mention in my top ten films of 2012 post in Tumblr, it’s like the two studios decided to swap roles for 2012, with Disney making a postmodern pop-culture-laden flick with heart and Pixar making a spunky princess movie with guts.

That’s Seth for you, IV! I did enjoy a few episodes of Family Guy only because my brother loves it and American Dad and there a few good jokes, but I don’t actively seek it because a) he tends to rely on pop-culture references, repetition, and scatalogical gags and b) he tends to be rude just for the sake of it.

Which is kinda strange, seeing I immensely enjoyed Ted enough to give it a 4-star rating in my first newspaper review. I dunno. But if you ask me, other “offensive” shows like South Park and Archer have more wit, while “inoffensive” shows like Friendship Is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop have more heart. Seth’s fare, for the most part, have neither (or should I say, nether?).

I’ve never watched the Academy in its entirety ever since the Slumdog fiasco (although I see the segments I’m interested in), so I’m glad I missed out on McFarlane’s boob number and the whole gay troupe thing. There was a feminist article I read which said that actresses, much like actors, sometimes bare themselves in movies to play serious roles (there are, of course, cheesecake examples which I won’t list here). For him to paint them with a broad brush is insensitive. I think the Academy’s attempt to appeal at the youth crowd (13% on a Twitter vote said he was best host ever, which is probably made up of college fratboys) backfired on them.

With a second illegtimate child (the father of both is her de facto boyfriend)! mock gasp :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

But in all seriousness, she still wins my adoration for her awesome rendition of Skyfall, the best Bond theme in years, if not decades.

And yes, Seth is a huge fan of swing numbers. He sprinkles them quite liberally in his series and Ted, which is about the only aspect of his talent I appreciate. Okay, maybe the odd fart gag or two.

And guys, can I just say that having Pixarians be hosts would just about convince me to watch the Oscars in its entirety! I can imagine Lasseter or Peterson as the best hosts, probably cos’ they seem the most friendly. I’m not a huge fan of Brad’s causticness, but I think he’d make some great zingers and Stanton would probably be all like surfer dude and stuff. Haven’t watched enough of featurettes to have an opinion on Docter or Peter Sohn but I’m sure they’d make great hosts too.

What do you mean by Slumdog fiasco?

SoA: I mean the fact that Slumdog in the 2008 Awards pulled a clean sweep of most of the categories. It was a “fiasco”/traversty in my eyes and a lot of other commentators (well, at least that’s how I read it). It’s a good movie, don’t get me wrong, but it felt like Hollywood was pandering to Slumdog for a little tokenism at the expense of other great nominees. I think the “breaking straw” for me was when Jai Ho won over Down To Earth, as much as I enjoyed Jai Ho and the fact that a non-English song won.

Which film do you think should have won Best Picture that year?