This one’s kinda short, but I have a lot more longer ones coming.
#1: The Minnies
It had been a month since the Axiom landed on Earth. It was almost dark and Wall-e wasn’t home yet, even though Wall-e said that he would be late today, Eve was looking outside every couple of minutes to see if Wall-e was returning. M-o said that he was going to go visit the other robots (it was the monthly cleaning day) so the only company she had was from Hal, Wall-e’s pet cockroach. To get her mind off of her worrying she decided to clean up around the truck…
Eve was just organizing some knick-knacks with Hal on her shoulder when she heard someone calling her name.
“Eva?” It came again, but this time she didn’t even have to think before she knew who it was.
Eve rushed over to Wall-e and gave him a kiss, her worry fading away.
Today, unlike others, Wall-e had something very special for Eve.
“Look,” Wall-e warbled, pushing his Bn’L cooler towards Eve.
At first, Eve didn’t get it. There were just a bunch of scraps used to make robots, but once Wall-e explained, Eve loved the idea. They were going to make littler robots, or kids, out of trash.
Eve picked up Wall-e and shot int the air, spinning him around as if they were on an invisible dance floor in the sky.
Now all they needed was an OK from M-o (because he lived in the truck too, so if they were going to do something that big they all have to agree).
“Kids? No!” M-o shouted in horror after Wall-e told him his idea.
“Huh?” Wall-e inquired, confused by the way M-o was acting.
“MESSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!” M-o screamed as high as his volume limit would let him.
Eve, obviously startled by the extremely loud noise that came from the little robot, hovered over with a pleading look in her eyes that would make anyone agree with her.
M-o sighed, shook his head, and finally agreed, receiving a small kiss on the “cheek” from Eve.
The next day, Eve, Wall-e, and M-o went to the Buy and Large store to get the rest of the parts to make the little robots. The Bn’L CEO, Mr. B. McCrea (the former captain of the Axiom), said that all of the people owed Wall-e and Eve for bringing them back to Earth and gave them the parts for free.
Now that they had everything, they went to work. Eve put them together with Wall-e as an assistant, while M-o pouted in his sleeping compartment.
It only took one day to make Liz, Taz, Laz, Tib, Bit, Tab, Burk, Daz, Viv, Ash, Ave, Ivy, Dill-e, Carl-e, Dais-e, Charl-e, Gull-e, Lill-e, Jess-e, Joll-e,Rose-e, Doll-e,Holl-e, and Will-e; Wall-e and Eve’s 24 kids.
Minnie Characters:
-The girl Wall-e Minnies (Carl-e Dais-e Lill-e Rose-e Doll-e Holl-e) are orange with a pink bow on either eye.
-The boy Wall-e Minnies (Dill-e Charl-e Gull-e Jess-e Will-e) are yellow
-The girl Eve Minnies (Liz Laz Viv Ave Ivy) have blue eyes
-The boy Eve Minnies (Taz Tib Bit Tab Burk Daz Ash) have green eyes