Kyle: Well, I understand that the 3D does add depth, technically, and in actuality, but I occasionally had these odd moments watching Up in digital 2D where it kind of felt 3D, almost like my eyes were screwy or something. I don’t know how to explain it, or if it even happened, but in a way, the digital 2D felt like it had more depth than the 3D. I couldn’t even notice it with the glasses on.
The double feature had much better 3D, most definitely, and then there’s IMAX 3D. I saw CWaCoM in IMAX 3D, and it was A-MA-ZING. The depth was much more drastic, and yeah, at times, it felt exaggerated, but it most definitely added to the experience. (Plus the movie itself is awesome.) I was left with my jaw on the floor by the 3D in that movie. No gimmicky parts, solely depth based, and it was incredible. Up was at the front end of the technology, and I think it suffered as a result. If they released it now, after working with the 3D for a while, I think it would work much better.
In short, 3D is a bit of a gimmick (especially because of price difference) but it’s getting better, and has made some movies a bit more enjoyable. My opinion on it is improving now since CWaCoM and the double feature.
Funny you should say that about Pixar progressing with 3d, because I believe that even though UP was released first, the toy stories were their training grounds. UP is the result of further refining.
I think the depth your talking about in the 2d version of UP is just what you get when the composition and focal blur is just right.
Haha, it’s not that. Thing is, with the 3D, the projection offset is really low when characters and stuff are close to the camera. Stuff like Muntz’s face right up at the screen when he first appears, and Carl looking through his window (at [spoil]the man he hit with his cane[/spoil]) can be seen perfectly with the glasses off, while stuff like the first view of Paradise Falls and shots of the house flying are really blurry. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I used to not care, but now it seems everyone’s doing it, and it looks like nearly every animated movie is coming out in 3D. So now, yes, I am tired of it. I honestly dont care if a movie is 3D. Okay, it makes it look a little more real I guess, but is 2D so bad? Plus I too dont like the glasses. Especially since I wear glasses anyway, so either I have to wear 2 pairs of glasses, or take my real ones off and watch a blurry movie. Plus since 3D is so expensive (my toy story ticket was 11.25) I certainly cant see them as much. And just in case anyone wants to know, it wont stop at the movies. That’s right, they wanna make 3D tvs: