Amusing Ratatouille Video

Any spoilers?

Nope…the guy can’t spoil the movie if he hasn’t seen it! :laughing:

I’ll pass for now - I’ve come this close to the movie being spoiled (thank you IMDb users!:roll:), so I don’t want to take any chances. I’ll watch it next month. :wink:

Sky: Trust me, no spoilers.


This is such a funny littl video. This guy can’t sing, yet I found it very enjoyable.

Puh-haaa!!! Oh my gosh, that was too funny. I was crackin’ up near the end of the procession. That was just…hilarious!!

Haha! Thanks for the laugh, JesusFreak! I can always use one. :laughing:

Puh-ha! :laugh:

8D That video was hilarious!
And also slightly ridiculous… But that’s what makes it so funny!
“In six months you’ll be off the screen and on DVD, and then every night in my apartment it’ll be just you and me…”

Thanks for posting that JF!

“rat-tat-too-ee”? LOL His name is Remy! :smiley:

That’s one reason why that video was funny. :smiley:

Hahaha. Nice find.

LOL, that was an interesting song! Though I think someone needs a few more singing lessons… :laughing:

lizardgirl - …and a little less beer. The guy sounded kinda drunk to me… :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch- I think he’d have to be, singing lyrics like those! :laughing:

Puh-ha! :laughing:

(Man, am I in a hilarious mood today or what? I must be on a Ratatouille high or something – I saw the film yesterday and was laughing like crazy…)

Wow. Funny. :laugh:

I usually don’t dig these parody songs, but I definitely laughed at this one. :laughing:

I wouldve watched more, but whoever was singing that was tone deaf… my ears hurt a bit… lol

that’s funny, and the wrong facts make it even funnier…

I turned it off after about 15 seconds. He can’t sing. ouch.
sheila :laughing:

Funny, but the guy has a irritating voice.

i’m sure it was funny, i just couldn’t get through the first minute cuz he sings so badly!