Andy's Room Drawings

Okay, I’ve done some looking around and realized that the movie itself is the best place for references for the boxes.

The problem is that, as the drawings are on brown boxes, most of them use white crayon. That means I’d have to do my drawings on brown paper to begin with and scan them in that way. I don’t have any brown paper, however. If I acquire some, I might try to do some drawings otherwise, probably not.

You don’t need brown paper necessarily, just photoshop it (or have someone like me to) change the color. The white crayon might be a bit tricky, but you might be able to use another color, and I can change it to white later. just make it a light color for now.

Not a bad idea, actually. I don’t yet have Photoshop, but I will likely by the end of the week. I might experiment with that.

Or I might just get some brown paper. Which ever seems simpler!

Hey Guys,

I’ve had a quiet evening so I fired up photoshop and had a go at Andy’s cows.

Here is the screen grab I based them on.

And here are my attempts. Sadly I could’t find a crayon brush to use in my old photoshop but anyway…

They are actually harder to do than they look as you spend so long trying to create smooth lines and these are not.

Anyway let me know what you think.

I might try and have a go at the rocket label for Tyler. I might actually make a rocket to go with it for myself. B&Q here I come. Translation for you guys over the pond Home Depot here I come.

Those are brilliant, eggy! Really spot on. :smiley:

Wow, those are really great! Nice job!

Thanks for the feedback guys!

Guys I’ve posted some pics of the cow boxes. Pop over and have a look. Let me know what you think.

Once again, these are all amazing! I’m tempted to print out your clean versions but I feel inspired to print out the references instead and trace my own. Your boxes are great too Eggy! But for those I might have to just Eyeball it, and you just can’t trace through cardboard, even with a lightbox.

You Can Use Paint On Your Computer.

Paint is crap. You cant do anything decent with it.
(okay there areexceptions, but clearly this is one in a million)

At least use the free alternative gimp if you cant use photoshop.

anyway, I only just now saw the cows, pretty good, I’m assuming you don’t have a tablet? would make smooth lines very simple.

Yeah, I know myself since I had to try drawing with only paint once (because I only had an old computer to use).

I don’t have a tablet, but I can do smooth lines in PS after years of practice. The “unsmoothness” (I can’t think of the correct word) of the lines was intentional they are supposed to be drawn by a young child. They were quiet hard to do after training my hard to do smooth lines.

Wow, those are killer. If you hadn’t said those were drawn by you, I would of thought they were the official pictures. Anyway, good job.

I Want To Do The Mr.Potato Head Pic. But I Cant. I Tried. :blush: BTW Check Out My Poll!!!

You Could Draw The Cows And hen Cut Them Out.

BTW Check Out My Other Poll. … highlight=

Stop spamming other threads about your polls, we see them just fine.

This Is foopetlover. i’m on this account because 'm having trouble getting on mine. so anyway, i’m sorry for the spam. i didn’t know what spam was at at the time and now i know. So i’m SSSSOOOO Sorry and embarrassed. :blush:

Im sure that after about 4 months we forgive you :confused: