Anyone Seen Mitch?

Mitch - Oh, right. I was going to say if Brad was only 5’3", then that’s a lot shorter then I expected him to be…

You’d like to meet Brad Bird again, huh? He must be a cool guy. It seems like it. Yeah, Joe Ranft always seemed like the nicest guy. :cry:

Well, way back in August, Brad Bird was supposed to make an appearance at the Australian premiere of Ratatouille which I was lucky enough to attend, but he couldn’t make it. My guess was that he was too tired from promoting Ratatouille in the US to fly all the way down here. I was disappointed but oh well. I guess it wasn’t meant to be, at that time, anyway.

I would really like to meet one of the Brain Trust: John Lasseter and Brad Bird would be my top two, but I’d be happy if I met anyone from Pixar, for a start. I respect John Lasseter because he has changed Disney, and brought good storytelling in animation “back in vogue.” And also because he is a child-at-heart like me and he also has a sweet, sweet Pixar merchandise collection. :mrgreen:

I’d also love to meet Lou Romano because, face it, he is Linguini! <3

looks up, down, side to side
Huh…weird I cannot remember actually going through with posting this bit here…
Dah well…seemed to become drenched with posts wow…
Bit sorry that Mitch had to run down the numbers for everybody ^^; But glad she’s alright and my rather idiotic posting of this wasn’t too usless ^^:

rachel - Ha-ha. Yeah, he’s kind of “middle-sized” in height, if you know what I mean. :wink:

I have to. Well, I don’t have to meet him again, but I sure would be most obliged to if the chance ever arose again in the near future. I’m sure that I’ll get to say “hi” to the man again when I get to Pixar, of course, but still. (snigger)

Ah, I see. So that was the deal. Well, that’s how it goes, I suppose. That aside, it would be wonderful if you got to meet anyone from Pixar at all. I certainly hope that you do (especially Lou Romano)! :smiley:

Nexas - Ah, no matter. It isn’t and wasn’t a problem at all. As I may have stated before-hand, I am deeply touched that you even created this thread at all. blushes

Alright-y, folks. Here’s the deal:

First and foremost, I revived this thread from the dead to make a statement that some of you may find useful and of some importance, just in case you wonder where I wander off to at odd times. Should you ever become suspicious as to whether or not I have left the planet, please refer to this particular post.

Secondly, and lastly, there are three things I must discuss in more detail, these being the following statements:

1. Some time ago, my mom directed my attention to an independent, traditionally-animated project entitled Wolf. The owner and founder of the project, who is also the administrator, chief supervisor, and creator of Silver Sky Studios, began this project some years ago in an attempt to animate a full-length feature film centering around the lives of a group of wolves in, the I believe, the 1920s. Not intending to complete this hefty task solo, she enlisted upon the assistance of a number of volunteers who would be ready and willing to help animate the production and see to it that completion of Wolf could and would be possible.

In this year of 2008, the project of Wolf is still in production status and is slowly, but surely, making its way towards the finish line. Many volunteers have committed to the task of animating scenes, doing clean-up animation, laying out backgrounds, and designing characters. As of late, clean-up artists, animators, and background/layout artists are still needed. Thinking that this would be an excellent experience, and a chance to hone my artist skills, I submitted some of my work (via a self-drawn application), was accepted into the “pack”, as it were, signed a contract, and will begin doing some clean-up on rough animation in a short while.

Taking all of this into account, I expect that I will be quite busy for a good, long while.

If any of you are interested in learning more about Wolf, or, perhaps, even joining in on the project, feel free to visit its official website located here:

2. - You may have heard me mention something about a program entitled InnerSpark/CSSSA (California State Summer School for the Arts) a while back. To make a long story short, it is basically a school for high school-age students who wish to pursue a career in the entertainment field, including animation, visual arts, music, dance, and several others. I submitted an application at the last minute and, low and behold, I finally received a confirmation letter yesterday stating that the institute had received my package/application.

Whether or not I shall be officially accepted into the month-long program is yet to be determined, but I’m definitely hoping that I will be able to attend the program, especially considering the fact that notable artists/animators from Pixar Animation Studios will travel down to the campus to give the students some one-on-one evaluation, which I desperately need if I am to journey into the field I have come to know and love.

If any of you would like to visit the official InnerSpark/CSSSA website, do not hesitate to click on this link:

3. Last, but not least, I am laden down with more homework than you can shake a stick at. If I do not return to Pixar Planet in, say, a month or so, do not be alarmed. As I have stated before, I never have and never will leave Pixar Planet for good. It is my home away from home and one of the many worldly havens which I find to be both comfortable and amusing in its own, wonderful, quirky way. All of you here are like my family, and I would never abandon you guys or this awesome website.

I wrote this down in the “Mitch’s Glitches” thread in the “Graphics and Icons” section of the boards, but I will restate it here anyway:

In truth, I can’t give everyone enough thanks for everything you guys do for me and say to me. It encourages me almost every day and I sincerely appreciate it beyond compare. Thank you all so very much. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

– Mitch

Mitch - Yeah, Lou Romano… drools

Ha-ha! Will this thread not die? ;-p

If you do leave for extended periods then I will understand why, so thanks for letting us know in advance. It will be a bit lonely around here without you, though. :wink: But at least it will all be for a good cause. Good luck with your school work, and getting into the animation course - I so hope you get in!

Agreed. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

Ha-ha! Yeah, it should die really. I think I’ve just been feeling a little vain lately, which is something that I absolutely despise. (That’s living proof that that wonderful “girl syndrome” is coming up soon… :stuck_out_tongue: )

In any case, thank you, dude. You guys are all too kind. :wink:

Edit: My mom suggested that I send in a portfolio to Walt Disney Studios in the hopes that I might acquire a free-lance job so as to work on their The Princess and the Frog feature film. I decided that I’ll send it in, just for kicks.

Ha! That’d be funny if they hired me. “Hello, my name is Mitch and I’m a Pixar fan working for Disney Studios.” Disregarding the fact that Disney now owns Pixar, it’s almost contradictory. (snigger)

– Mitch

Ha-ha! Girl syndrome?? And you’re very welcome. :wink:

Oh, what a great idea! I’d love to know their response. At least you would be brought to their attention, and it doesn’t hurt to get your name out there. Well, I would imagine it would be easier to move from Disney to Pixar, and also the other way around (but if I got into Pixar I wouldn’t be goin’ nowhere, not even to Disney) and it would be expected that you would have experience in other studios before working at Pixar, so it’s always a good idea to apply for any type of work you can get.

And I’m sure that there are many, many fans of Pixar who work at Disney Studios, so you wouldn’t be out of place. Heck, I think the whole animation circle is just one big fan of Pixar (except Jim Hill and Dreamworks, but they can go suck a lemon). :wink:

Ahem. Le girl syndrome = PMS. It sucks. You have to wait until you’re fifty before the darn thing ends, and then you get menopause! What’s the point in living?

But back onto the main subject… (snigger)

Yeah, you’re absolutely right. The more exposure I have in the business the higher my chances of getting into Pixar early. Heh. I rarely have that impulse to do these things unless someone pushes me to do them, and that “someone” is usually my mom. (Thank goodness for moms.)

Ha-ha! You’re funny, rachel. :wink:

Thanks for the input and advice, dude! :smiley:

– Mitch

Oh, right. Say no more. Heheh. :wink:

Yay for Mitch’s mum! Let me know Disney’s response. :mrgreen:

Thanks. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

No sweat. :wink:

Uh-oh… looks like Mitch has disappeared again. :frowning:


She was on DeviantArt not too long ago…

I’m also wondering where in the heck Mel-O-Drama went to. :open_mouth:

Of yeah man. I like totally miss her right now. She’s probably busy with life right now. Hopefully, we shall see her soon.

Heheh. I’m still alive and well, guys, and I sincerely appreciate your support now and always. I’m going to explain a few things in just a couple of minutes via a separate thread, actually.

They turned her down because… well… because they’re Disney. I swear, if Walt himself stepped through the doors of Disney Studios and attempted to get involved with an upcoming project, they would ask him for a portfolio. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, well. It totally sucks and it sucks totally that mom didn’t receive the proper recognition that she deserves, since she’s been in the animation business for over twenty years, but that’s not going to stop me from submitting a portfolio as well.

“What portfolio, Mitch?” you ask?

I’ll explain everything in a jiffy…

Thanks again for all of your kind comments and support, everyone. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

– Mitch

Oh, that Disney. :unamused:

Hey Mitch, I’m sad to hear Disney turned your mom down. Hope it all turns out okay.

A113 and The Star Swordsman - Heheh. That’s all right, guys. Knowing Disney, they fluctuate and turn the tables every two seconds, so they just might hire her in the future. My dad might get a job there soon, as well…

Thanks for the kind comments, though. I’m sure that my mom would appreciate them. :wink:

– Mitch

Sorry, about Disney and your mum, Mitch. I’m sure your mum is an excellent animator and one of the best of the best in her field… It probably just gets very cut-throat when you go for higher jobs at Dsiney, like that. I bet she only lost out on the job by a whisker. :wink:

Eheheh. My apologies if I sounded a little “high-ho” and intolerant of things prior to this post. I suppose it’s just that vain side of me coming out, plus I’ve been a little bummed lately. Sorry if I sounded kinda all… “Curse Disney”-esque. (heh)

rachel - Heheh. Well, she’s been in the business for over twenty years as a clean-up artist or “in-betweener” so, technically, she doesn’t really animate. I’m sure she’d appreciate all of you guys’ kind comments, though.

And man, Disney is like that everywhere. They laid off a bucketload of top animators when they closed down their 2D department a few years back (even though that same department has since kicked back into action). “Ruthless” is probably their middle name, although, thanks to Lasseter and various other personnel, things have begun to turn around a little… I suppose.

In any case, it’s no skin off anyone’s nose except Disney Studios’ really. They could have avoided being one artist short in the animation crew.

– Mitch

Mitch - Yeah, well, Disney deserves it. ;-p

The bottom line with Disney was them doing what was profitable, rather than what was right. I find it hilarious that they shut the 2-D department down because it wasn’t seen as “the in thing”, but now it’s reopened again, thanks to John Lasseter.

Yeah, I’m sure Disney is the one missing out… they could have had someone with many years of experience and talent. Hopefully there will be another job opening soon, and they will come to their senses. :wink:

looks up Wow…guess making this topic months ago was a good idea heh heh :slight_smile:

Sorry about your mom being turned down Mitch. Always the new talent that such companys push away…

Nexas: Oh, I think you knew that this thread would never die. 8D