Archibald's sketches


guess is you have all of the Parr family (Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack) finished. Am I right? And are

the 3 remaining chracters left Edna, Lucius, and Syndrome?

Nope :mrgreen:
I have at the moment Bob, Edna, Rusty, Huph and Rick Dicker

finished. The 3 that I’ve begun but not finished yet are Jack Jack, Syndrome and Lucius. I still have to draw

Violet, Dash, Mirage and The Underminer. And I’ll do Helen last, for a very specific reason ; you’ll understand

why when you’ll see the picture :wink:

I imagin Helen will dominate the picture or something, concerning the specific reason you mentioned. In any

case, I can’t wait to see the finished result. Keep up the great work! :wink:

or maybe she will be in an elastic position that would

spell out something.

Heheh – that would be cool. Nice idea.


  • Will you do a separate picture of Tony Rydinger? I’m thinking of PixarVixen

here… :wink: (snigger)

I hope next time, since Valentines Day is comming up, you

can draw a cute pic of Tony and Vi. Just a suggestion.

Only 3 more characters to do for my big Incredibles picture. So

tomorrow, at the same hour, hopefully, it’ll be over :wink:

It’s done ! :smiley:
Ok, I’m really tired now, but I’m finished with this


Here’s the pic :slight_smile:

I’m gonna

take some rest now :wink:

[size=75]PS : This is my 100th post on Pixar Planet ! Yeah


This is an incredible collage! :smiley: I love everyone, but especially Dash and little

unsuspecting Jack-Jack nestled snuggly in Syndrome’s arms. I like how Helen’s arm is snaking it’s way through

the crowd to save her baby. :slight_smile: Excellent work!

Heheh. Thanks, Mitch.


I’ve already begun mine.

<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif" alt=";-D" title="Grin and <p>Wink" /></p> <p>~~=oP</p>

Archibald: Incredible. Just incredible. This is probably your best work so far. I love how

every character is positioned and drawn. The color is perfect. Not a single flaw. And now we know why Helen was

drawn last. To weave her arm around everyone. And I think Violet looks cute in that. Wonderful work.


Oh really now? This intrests me. I can’t wait. It will be cute. I’ll tell you that much.

Wow, great work Archibald! To draw so many characters in one picture must’ve taken a lot of

time and effort, but it’s definitely paid off- everyone looks great in 2D form, and I just love Bob’s


Archibald - Wow – what a wonderful masterpiece! Not bad at all. You did a great

job on the picture, and it certainly shows. I think my favorite part of the “sketch” has to be Helen,

whose arm is, as The Star Swordsman put it, snaking its way towards Jack-Jack.

Clever. :smiley:

Oh, and I also love Bob’s expression. Hilarious. :laughing:

PixarVixen - Heheh – you’re welcome. I know how much you love Tony. I

can’t wait to see your picture. :wink:

Great drawing, Archibald! That’s really good! Well


PixarVixen, The Star Swordsman, lizardgirl, Mitch and Bill : Thank you


I just did this fanart of an Alien

from Toy Story. I did it fast, so it’s a little messy and inaccurate, but I like it this way :slight_smile:

Aww, sweet! I think he looks great a bit scruffy- it’s

more natural. The shading is very top-notch.

The shading on this is great! Keep up the great work!

Wonderful drawing of the alien, Archibald! It look

great…as always. The shading tops all – you really have that aspect mastered.

When I first saw the

alien, the words kind and loyal came to my mind. The alien looks so friendly and would do anything for his other

aliens. Ooooooh.

Thanks :smiley:

I did

this picture of R?my in the same style.

I have got to print that out…

Wonderful job on one of my favorite Pixar characters

of all time, Archibald! I would buy these sketches from you if I could. :smiley: