Best Supporting Act

I voted for Kevin, although I like most of those characters. :sunglasses:

Can’t beat the “Toy Gang”.
Although M-O and Dug are awesome too.

For me, it’s between M-O and Dug. I can’t choose between either of them, though really I love all the characters. <3

Definetly the toy gang.

I voted M-O because he’s my second favorite character in WALL-E. And he cleans everything, which is cool. :sunglasses:

I voted for Rex, but I like everyone. Rex is most like me.

Agreed. :smiling_imp:

I have to choose between Jack-Jack and Boo? Why??? :frowning:

I chose Jack-Jack.

M-O cult following… anyone? … Anyone?!?

I didn’t vote for him, but he is one of my favorites!

Oh, both are so adorable. In fact, if Jack-Jack didn’t exist, I would more than likely pick Boo.

I honestly like them both equally, so I chose by movie. I suppose that’s how everybody decides, though. :laughing: Otherwise, obviously the toys would win hands-down. It’s all movie preference.

I agree itis totally movie preference. Jack Jack isnt even in the movie that much, especially compared to Boo. She was in Monsters Inc a lot, but I still choose Jack Jack just because hes got to be the cutiest baby I’ve ever seen. :smiley: :-D)

Yeah, Jack-Jack is definitely the family member that sees the least action. Oh well, there’s a small infanticimal chance of a sequel… o_0

MBProductions: AMen to that. Jack-Jack is so adorable that the very sight of him is my weakness.

Voted the Flea Circus from A Bug’s Life. They think of themselves as so lowly and pathetic, but are perfect in getting Flik to realize his own ambitions. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have personally thought more people would have voted Dory, I guess some of the newer characters have won the bid, along with the toy story ones.
Oh well, I voted Dory! :smiley:

I don’t think it’s an anti-Dory thing, it’s just that she’s too important to be a side-show act.
Now I’m thinking I should have voted for the toys…

I love most of them but i went with M-O :smiley: . He’s one of my favourite Pixar characters, in fact, I’ve named my iPod after him :slight_smile:.

I picked the Toy Gang from Toy Story because they are funny and they are my favourite characters. But I love MO as well he’s so cute! <3 x