
I’d like to see more art from the original version of “Bolt”. I’m the kind of person who likes to see the whole process of movies and such. Also maybe it’d improve my opinion of “Bolt”. i certainly didn’t hate the movie - on the contrary, it was pretty cute - but I think it had quite a few pacing issues.

^ Ditto. The original concept art had so much more personality. That was really my main issue with this film (not that I didn’t like it): it lacks visual character. It wasn’t ugly at all, but they could have been a little more creative.

Watched it in 3D yesterday.
I’m not wondered why it is nominated for Golden Globe. In my opinion, it’s the 2nd best animated feature of 2008, after WALL-E (the champion), and the best 3D animated feature from Disney Animation Studios (my former one was Meet The Robinsons).

Though it’s not as good to be compared with Pixar films, it’s very entertaining as well as emotional. I can see that Disney is improving, and I’m happy that they do. :smiley:

There were some advance screenings last weekend in Estonia but I wasn’t able to go. Anyway the Estonian premiere is tomorrow and I have a ticket for friday. In 3D! Can’t wait!

So to those who have seen the movie and have a formed opinion on it.

Would you say it’s worth the price of admission? What with it still not having been released in UK i’m questioning whether to go and see or not. Not to mention wondering who would be kind enough to tag along with me.

I suppose my main question would be as to whether the movie is more story driven or humour driven? If the sense of humour is something that shines more than the story then I may well wait until it comes on TV before i give it a proper watch. I’ve got nothing against funny films, but when in the cinema I like to have a story to focus on. Just in case the jokes aren’t to my taste. At least then I can form some constructive criticism of it.

So, yes. I basically wondered whether it’s worth the price of admission, and if the story is up to scratch. If someone would be so kind.

Thank you!

Yes, i would say it is worth admission price.
As for humor balance, Disney did a good job. It is definitely story focused, but there is enough humor to not let it become super serious.
Yeah, you should go!

Id have to say im glad with the decision Disney made with going with Bolt over American Dog. I mean, look how perfect the movie turned out! :smiley:

Never doubt the masters behind Disney, or any top animation company for that matter.

yeah, they definitely know what they’re doin.

Just saw it for the first time on DVD. Very good. Story was pretty conventional, but everything else about it was just right. I initially though Travolta and Miley Cyrus would be a constant distraction throughout the movie, but there were both excellent in their roles and I didn’t give it more then a seconds thought after it started. I’m looking that much more forward to Princess and the Frog

I was just waiting for a Star Wars reference at that point :frowning: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.” It would have worked, man!

Dude, I never even thought of that. Ha! That’s great. You could dub over it via a fan video, I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

Did anyone else notice the pixar reference? “This is how you blew it with Nemo!”

I second Mitch, I loved that L.A. quote too! The script has to be the ‘zingiest’ (Seriously, when the characters deliver their one of many punchlines, you can hear this ‘ZING’ sound whooshing past your head! Laugh out loud! :smiley:) for an animated film this year! Yes, even better than Panda. Very witty and brilliant.

Oh, and woody’s comment on “Nemo”. When I first heard it, I was like WTH? That was kinda random. I couldn’t believe it. That was a pretty oblique reference for me (I mean, what’s the connection? Did anyone who worked on Nemo worked on Bolt too? Maybe Lasseter, but he’s always the ‘producer’ kinda guy).

I think the Nemo reference was in just because it’s a very popular, recent movie, that has animals in staring roles.

Well Nemo also would/does have a fear of birds due to the seagulls. So I would imagine if any Pigeons tried to approach to pitch ideas, Nemo would swim away as fast as he could to prevent being eaten.

To anyone who has the Bolt DVD, I have a quick question…

Is there an Up trailer included with the DVD? If so, then I’ll buy it, but if not…

Just curious. Thanks in advance to anyone who has any details on this information! :smiley:

– Mitch

I’m pretty sure there it is, if there wasn’t I’d be pretty surprised :laughing: nothing new though, it’s already been released online

I’m afraid that there isn’t one, unfortunately. Still think that you should buy the DVD, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, while I know that I’m in a minority on this, Bolt is personally my favorite Disney film (Pixar included), and my second favorite movie of all time. Now, the film definitely isn’t the most original one, as it seems like a mixture of Homeward Bound, Toy Story, and The Truman Show. However (and this comes mostly from me being an animal lover), Bolt is one of the very few films that has managed to not only grow an obsession out of me, but also bring me to tears during every viewing, and when a film is able to affect me on that kind of level, it automatically becomes a winner. Ontop of that, these characters (particularly Mittens) are definitely the most endearing ones I’ve seen on screen. I know that it sounds like I’m giving the film too much credit, but it’s just a movie that somehow resonated with me, personally (not to mention surprised me), like almost no other.

Rare Addict - Mmm. I see. Well, thanks for the information! I may purchase the DVD regardless.

I like how Bolt, as a film, affected you to that level. Certain compositions touch on our hearts more than others, and I think it’s absolutely charming when a movie resonates with a viewer (or viewers) from a personal stand-point.

– Mitch

I love this film, too. For awhile, I thought some merely accepted this as they awaited The Princess and the Frog, but I found that it has quite a group of fans! This is actually many young kids’ favorite film. Some of my cousins or friends’ kids have little boys or girls who love Bolt the dog and the movie, and I thought that was cute. It’s gotta be a great film for them, but I think it’s good for older ages as well.

Also, I voted for the Bolt option!

I like Bolt! Don’t know too much about American Dog.