
American Dog looked really interesting and unique, but of course Disney opted out to make into your generic CGI talking dog movie. Yes this is just based off the trailer and I might be wrong (the hamster did seem kind of funny), but I don’t want to see Bolt I wanna see American Dog. When I went to see WALL•E with a friend, he saw the trailer and said “Wow, that looks awful,”. I quickly briefed him on the American Dog situation and I mentioned the awesome looking pirate patch one-eyed cat and he was like “Oh, well now that sounds cool!”. The fact that Miley was casted just shows the publicity stunt. You pick a voice actor based on the character not based on how tickets will sell (I’d recommend looking at Pixar movies for tips). I don’t think someone should be casted just because they are part of a current fad, they need to be casted because they ARE that character.

Bolt. These are words I rarely say, but I’m trusting Disney here like I trust PIXAR when they get a new film annoused and I am looking at it like O.o They did a great job on their last film out of that part o their studio (Meet the Robinsons) even though the trailer didn’t look great. Though the American Dog art is a bit more unique, I kinda like the story tone this art style seems to be pushing. More classic cartoony.

On the other hand, I do like pirate stuff. XD

I finally saw the trailer for Bolt and, so far, the only things I like about it are the animation and character designs, both of which look freakin’ awesome to me. Other than that, I’m not willing to pull out my wallet just yet…

My thoughts exactly.

– Mitch

P.S./Edit: The cat scared me, by the way. Did anyone else think that she came off as something of an… environmentalist? Maybe it’s just me…? (heh)

I saw the trailer of Bolt in 3D, and it annoyed the heck out of me. I think it was because I found Bolt himself annoying, though his naivity can be funny at times. To be honest, the whole thing looked a little too Dreamworks-esque for me- lots of laughs, but no substance.

I totally agree with you. nobody will be missing anything if they just rent it or just never see it.

I may see ‘Bolt,’ but the preview looked like someone in the editing department at Disney took way too much sugar before cutting it together.

It kind of reminded me of the slap-bang-wham of the trailers like Dreamworks has, let alone those of Meet The Robinsons.

Speaking of MTR, the ‘Caffeine patch’ joke and scream after 100+ viewings is NOT FUNNY! I sometimes wonder who felt that should be on every single daggum trailer or TV spot!

‘Bolt’ suffers from the throwing of ‘big-names’ onto the screen. I can live just fine without realizing Bolt is John Travolta of Miley is the girl. The trailer is cut like a Dreamworks trailer with the quick cuts and of course the little jokes like having someone begin to say something possibly crude before finding themselves in pain.

I can only hope that after this film, Frog Princess, Rapunzel and the upcoming features from WDP work out better.

i totally agree.

I was at the panel for this today, and I have to say that I’m a little disappointed. The clips…it was very cute, but almost every line, every situation, I felt like I had already seen this movie.
However, I haven’t completely lost hope! I’ll wait a little longer for reviews and such.

Kolya, where the clips funny at least?
Also, this is a bit off-topic, but when half the audience left in the Up panel, was it because they couldn’t wait to blog, or was it becasue they were dissapointed?

Feast your eyes upon the worst Disney movie poster ever:

Bolt poster from Wikipedia

At least with the use of the dog collar on the more commonly viewed Bolt poster, you can see Bolt is about, uh, a dog. :unamused:


The poster is just that: boring.
But the cut-out teaser is pretty cool, has anyone else seen it?

Well, they emphasized the bolt pretty well, but it just isn’t enough.

As some of you may have noticed by now with my posts in the Up forum, I have attended the Press Conference at Comic-Con today. If you wanna read up on my Up and Pete Docter experience, it’s all in the Up area.

Anyways, I also attended Directors Chris Williams and Byron Howard’s Bolt coverage - and they gave the audience a solid 30 minutes of the film for us to watch that has never been seen before, and probably wont be until Disney decides to release footage before its release (If at all).

Anyways, previously, like most of us here, have gone and seen the latest trailer for Bolt, and unsurprisingly, were unimpressed with how it may look.

Well I think today I might change my mind about my negative feelings towards Bolt after getting a good sneak peek of the actual film.
What I saw made me think, “Wow, this film actually looks pretty good, and I’m actually laughing!”
So yeah, I was pleasantly amused by how Bolt turned out, and I think this will be one I’ll have to consider seeing when it’s released.

There was lots of humor in the film (I loved how the cats always messed with Bolt, aggravating him while off the Hollywood set - as he still believes he’s a dog of wonder)
With humor, there seemed to be a lot of heart as well. There were moments where people in the audience were like “Awww, poor doggy”, stuff like that.

Sooo, I dunno what’s with that trailer we’ve all seen, but the movie does actually look a lot better than I had thought it to be after seeing the creators show it off.

Half of the audience is an overstatement. With hundreds of people out there, only some left. Many people stay, some people go.

Wow. That poster is probably one of the worst movie posters I’ve ever seen.

That movie poster really needs to change …
Anyway, I saw the trailer. It started out weird, until after the first 30 seconds or so it began to explain itself. I found myself smiling at it, actually. It looks better than Beverly Hills Chihuahua’s trailer, in my opinion. And I found the hamster hilarious. I might see this movie, though probably not in the theaters.


tries to not scream

Some people left during the Up portion? I guess some people just wanted to hear about Bolt then had another panel to get to, but they’re missing out. It’s PIXAR man.

I’m gonna go against all my general disdain of Disney and say I am VERY excited for this movie. Meet the Robinsons was a great one, and with Lasseter on board, I’m expecting another good one. Plus it’s got an interesting plot to it from a first glance. I really wanna see this is theaters. Between this, Despeareux, Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything, and of course WALL-E, this is looking to be the first REALLY good year for animation in a little while. I mean, last year… there was Ratatouille and… uh… anything else decent?

Am I the only one currently uber excited for Bolt? I’m at least as excited for this film as I was Meet the Robinsons. =)

Sorry, Dash. You know I’m a cat lover. :stuck_out_tongue: