Bono writing music for Brave?

I don’t really know! Bono is really good but it’s just hard to pick, Maybe Bono should just stick to maybe his band U2

Lennox is indeed a beautiful singer. However, if The Hobbit does ever make it to the big screen, I’m still hoping they’ll use “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” by Leonard Nimoy as the end-credits song (seriously, I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t show up somewhere). <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />

On topic, I’m not a huge fan of U2, but I don’t have any problem with this.

Well, he wrote the music to Spider-Man: The Musical, so he has the experience.

Annie Lennox <3

Hmm, well that’s really random. I can’t really hear his music used in a movie about ancient Scotland, but maybe it’s one of those weird things that work?

First off, after reading the story and some comments at the link:

I thought it was said some time ago that Thomas Newman was doing the score for Brave (some of the comments at the link seem to think it’s Randy Newman).

My guess is that Bono would be doing an end-credits song, like Peter Gabriel doing “Down to Earth” for Wall-E. (And, considering that Thomas Newman scored Wall-E, that would kind of make sense.)

That makes sense!

Why does the article say “… most likely Brave”? Isn’t Bono Irish?

hm… this could be interesting if true… haha.

I liked “Down to Earth”, so maybe if it’s just an end credits song, it would be okay. I’m not a huge fan of U2’s music like my mom is, but some of their songs, like “Beautiful Day” and “I’ll Go Crazy if I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight” are good.

Rock music in a medieval movie? That’s just as weird as Sonic in a Mario game.

…what do you mean with Olympic Games.

Hmm… Bono is not my favorite singer :stuck_out_tongue: but i think what he makes is perfect for the movie! (like every other song from the other movies)

Sorry for bumping up an old thread, but do we know if he’s still attached to this movie at all? I was just thinking about this the other day and realized I haven’t heard any more on his involvement with Brave.

I have noooo idea. Probably not, they’d be mentioning it all over in the articles that have been published lately.

Yeah, it doesn’t sound like Bono is involved anymore. If he was we’d be hearing a lot more about him as the release date came closer.

I don’t think he is. If Bono were still involved with Brave, we’d be hearing about him a lot more as the release date got closer.

So the previous record for the world’s largest crap was rumoured to be doing music for Brave?

Yes, that was a South Park reference.

Wow. I forgot people were evben saying this.

This reference. Is a win.

Yeah I’m guessing if Bono were involved somehow we would have heard about it by now

Hm. So I wonder what happened to his involvement, since it definitely seems like he isn’t doing it anymore…