
No. Is it good? Whats it about?

I read Island of the Blue Dolphins. for school a few years ago. It was pretty good. Right now I’m reading The Wisdom of Pixar by Robert Velarde. I like it a lot so far.

Cool! Is that like a history on Pixar, or a book on how they do things? :slight_smile:

Right now I’m reading Star Wars - Fate Of The Jedi: Conviction as an ebook. I just started it a few hours ago, and I’ll continue reading as soon as I can pull myself away from this site. :laughing:

Tryin to find a good book does anyone have ideas for a 12 year old who really likes harry potter.

^If you want more fantasy, I’d recommend A Wrinkle in Time. It’s four books long (A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, Many Waters, A Swiftly Tilting Planet). I finished the series pretty recently, it’s interesting.

Ill give it a try thanks!

I’ve never heard of that one before! How is it?? And like Snipe asked, what’s it about exactly?? Sounds neat!

I remember reading that book when I was young.

Wisdom of Pixar is about the morals of the movies. It’s full title is ‘The Wisdom of Pixrar: An Animated Look at Virtue’. It’s purpose is to show how they ‘display the best of classic Christian virtues.’

I have the book, but I haven’t read it fully yet. I was suprised by how much religion dominates the text, because the online discrption and official website did not mention that, and it threw me off guard.

Got a big today called Diehard Cards.

Have you ever read the Percy Jackson series? It’s very similar to Harry Potter except that it deals with greek gods and stuff. The series is 5 books long.

I’m currently reading Matilda by Roald Dahl :slight_smile:

Ive been drawling more that reading…

Wait have I been spelling that wrong? is it drawling or drawing?

I LOVE used books! You get great books for real cheap. I spent $14 on three books this week in Santa Cruz-

*Fallen Founder- The Life of Aaron Burr

*Glory, Passion, and Principle- The story of eight remarkable women at the core of the American Revolution

*Indian Givers- How the American Indeians changed the world.

I know, all history related. What else can you expect from me?

Catch 22 is a great book

The series of unfortunate events are great books

Obviously the Harry Potter books (have read only the first two)

I always enjoyed the Bunnicula books.

Get to reading the rest bro!

I will have to do that (someday). But I am making progess on seeing all the movies. Tonight the 3rd movie (thanks to netflix I have all the rest in order to come in. Watching movies are so much easie of reading those very thick books :laughing: .

I admit when they had those Disney channel star ads and the irl who played Miranda on Lizzie McGurie said she read all the HP books (at the time) in one day I wished I had done that.

Oh, I did pretty much that! (Well, without counting the first one, cause I had already read that one before I bought the other ones released to date).

Nowadays, when I read all seven, I do it in about four-five days (cause now I know the story and I don’t have such an urgency not to stop from time to time to eat, for instance).

Sorry. I’ve got the feeling this is another post messed up with my bad English 8D

It’s drawing. :wink: And don’t worry, I use to make the same mistake. :laughing:

That’s interesting! I read the books and then the movies, I wonder what it’s like to do it the opposite way.

I just picked up the Sherlock Holmes collection. I love it so far! I haven’t read a book on my own in a while (school has honestly discouraged me from reading on my own). I’m almost finished with A Study in Scarlet.