
I read two novels between today and yesterday: The Prestige, by Christopher Priest, and The Mysterious Affair at Styles, by Agatha Christie.

I’ll continue with the rest of Mrs. Christie’s collection tomorrow, starting with The Secret Adversary.

The cost of my textbooks is included in my tuition.

I’m currently reading Dante’s Comedy.

I’m not too fast reading Italian and I’m busy these days, so I’ll probably last quite a while before finishing it.

I really want to learn Italian. I have an Italian dictionary, but I guess I can’t really learn the language from it.

I’m stuggling with The Age of Innocence. The way it’s written is making it hard for me to get a full grasp on what I’m reading the first time. And I’m forgetting who some of the character are by the time they come up later.

Edit:I decided to start the book over again. Now I’m not struggling with it.

I wanna read the hunger games.

Anyone ever read The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

That happens to me sometimes too. :laughing:

Pixarfan91: Nope, never heard of it. Is it good?

Were still reading some of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories.

Yeah it’s good, it’s about a girl in the 1600s who moves from the Bahamas to Connecticut, the people there think she’s strange and start to think she’s a witch, she later meet’s a nice old lady.

Right now I’m reading I Know What You Did Last Summer

It’s pretty good so far. I’ve never seen the movie but I’ve heard of it. I never knew it was based off a book. Gonna watch the movie when I’m done with it.


I didn’t know there was a book! I use to love that movie when I was a teenager. I hated the sequel. I went through a phase where I loved watch scary movies were a bunch of reckless pretty people were killed. It all started when I watched the first Scream. I watched a majority of the knock offs.

Has anyone ever read Number the Stars?

Steve Jobs It’s a very good read. I’m currently on the part about Pixar, right after he bought it. It seems like a good book to read for people who want to run their own business. But I gotta say, I don’t understand how people could work for this man for years. I admire him for what he’s done but his personality can exhaust me in the span of two or three pages sometimes. I think he could have gotten just as much done without being such a jerk.

I’m reading 2 books right now

Alice: From White House Princess to Washington Power Broker- This is a biography of Teddy Roosevelt’s headstrong and controversial daughter, Alice Roosevelt Longworth. She’s such an interesting figure.

Silent Stars - This book is about silent film actors who are forgotten, misunderstood, and underrated. It’s great to learn more about the actors and actresses who were extermely popular in the Roaring 20s, but have since failed into obscurity.

I love to read!!!

My favorite book ever is “The Demon-Haunted World” by Carl Sagan. I love science books, social debate, psychology and sci-fi or thriller novels.

My top favorite books:

  • The Demon Haunted World (Carl Sagan)
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Friederich Nietzsche)
  • What does that mean? (R. Feynman)
  • The Great Design (Stephen Hawking)
  • SuperSense: why we believe the unbelievable? (Bruce Hood)
  • The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
  • The Moral Landskape (Sam Harris)
  • The Believing Brain (Michael Shermer)
  • Sky is not the limit: adventures of an urban astrophysicist (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
  • Dictionary of Human Stupidity (Eduardo del Rio RIUS)
  • Upside Down (Eduardo Galeano)
  • Totem and Tabú (Sigmund Freud)
  • War of the Worlds (H.G. Wells)
  • The Analyst (John Katzenbach)
  • The Lost World (Michael Chrichton)
  • The Host (Stephenie Meyer)
  • The Vampire Lestat (Ann Rice)
  • Silmarillion (J. R. R. Tolkien)
  • The Last Unicorn (Peter St. Beagle)
  • Inheritance (Cristopher Paolini)
  • Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)
  • Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)

I have lots of more giggle I love to read!

Yes! I was in 4th grade, so it was a decade ago, but I still remember it. Very good book.

I’m currently reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. This summer I was reading an average of a book a week while on my work breaks and such, but then I became busy once the school semester started. Bummer.

I’m currently reading 2 books.

chew on this - Eric Schlosser

Dr jekyll and mr Hyde- Robert Louis Stevenson
(at least its quite short!)

Yes, I first red Jekyll during a blackout with a candle in about hours 8D

Really, really short.

Haven’t read in a while now. Need a good book to lead.