Brave score by Patrick Doyle

Yeah, the Mor’du song sounds like it’ll bring down the house

Those are all quite lovely! I’m looking forward to hearing the full score.

Anyone pick it up yet? I think it’s pretty solid, but not the best Pixar score.

I’ve only heard bits and pieces of it. I liked it, but it isn’t the same level of some of Giacchino’s works.

Mumford & Sons is on the Brave soundtrack. Mumford & Sons is on the Brave soundtrack. Mumford & Sons is on the Brave soundtrack!

HOW did I not realize this before? I knew I wasn’t following Brave as closely as I did past Pixar movies but how did I NOT see that my favorite band in the world is on the Brave soundtrack? flailsabitinglee That thing is so bought right now it isn’t even funny.

I’m about to get the score. I suppose I’ll listen to it tomorrow, unless they hurry up.

1Had mine since the 19th. Wonder why Pixar started CDs again…

I have yet to buy any of the songs, but I definitely will! I really liked the soundtrack. I like Patrick Doyle, not as much as Giacchino, but he is still a good composer. And the music of Brave was one of my favorite parts of it.

I really loved this score, though I’ve never been a great fan of Patrick Doyle’s style.

I like some of his scores, none too much, but I think they’re decent. this one is my favourite by him and I did love it since the first listening.

I suppose the Celtic style (which I really dig) disguised the most tiring aspects of Doyle’s music. It’s even hard to identify him during most of the track, except in segments of a few (particularly in Merida Rides Away)

I even liked the songs, specially the ones sung by the cast, which are lyrical versions of recurring instrumental leitmotivs.

In all, a very enjoyable album. Like some members have said, Giacchinos’ are still more attractive, but, at least for the moment, I dig it a lot more than those of Thomas Newman and some of Randy’s.

I like how Doyle is Scottish as well. You don’t have to have a Scottish person doing the music for a film set in Scotland or a Frenchmen doing the score for a French themed film. Whoever is more talented should do it obviously. But there is that sense of pride in ones homeland and that connection, and it’s just a fun tidbit.

Um… can I just say I loved the soundtrack?! I had no idea what Patrick Doyle’s score would sound like, but that beautiful score, in league with the great songs and the great movie, is absolutely incredible! How is it that Pixar keeps finding amazing composers?! I’ve gotta buy me some more Pixar soundtracks! :smiley:

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There are some really nice songs in this score, but alot of filler ones as well. Its not as well rounded as some of my favorite composers like John Powell, Micheal Giacchino, or Hans Zimmer. But its still a nice score, I need to order it soon.

This is a score completely worthy of the Pixar canon, in my opinion. I was very pleased with it. :smiley: Will there not be a hard copy release? :frowning:

Yes, this one was released as a CD :smiley:

@Leirin: … ords=brave

The soundtrack was good enough. It suited the story well enough. It didn’t really grab me and hold my attention like Up’s score or anything, but it was suitable. The only thing I’ll say is the song about the Open Air or something to that effect, my dad hated. He said it sounded like hippie music.

Its definitely folky. Its by a Scottish folk singer who normally sings in Gaelic! It kind of amuses me that your dad immediately jumps to “hippi,” Virginia. By the way, currently listening to “Learn Me Right” and reveling in the Mumford & Sons banjo and the little we hear of their voices. Seriously, they should have had their own song on the soundtrack. But hey, I’m sure this will help their careers a ton!

I loved the songs! They make me feel like I’m running through the wide open spaces of Scotland on a Spring day… I think that’s one thing that I loved about Brave was a feeling of ecstasy and freedom and pure joy that made me smile ear-to-ear during the film. :smiley:

I loved it! The score goes well. No gaps in my soundtrack collection now.