Buy 'N Large Website is Gone - Redirects to Wall-E Site

Aw man! It was hilarious!

I’d like to mail them about their website, too ( I think they should update on it. It’s been a long time.

I can’t believe that got taken away! The BNL website was really good and almost believable, I could even trick people with it! It had so much in it- it must have taken so long to design that webiste, and now it’s disappeared. I am disappointed at hearing this.

Way awesome page, kinda similar to the Halo sites or Eureka ones. Both really brought out the want and curiosity in a lot of people. And isn’t that one of the points of Wall-E?

Really? That makes no sense to pull the page. Anyone viewing it would have to know about the movie anyway, and would know how to find the “official” Wall-E page. It was kind of like a sweet extra for Wall-E and very funny.

(What would have been really funny would have been to have visitors to Wal-Mart’s page be redirected to the BnL page!)

Well, thanks MonorailMan for sending off a letter. Maybe someone just didn’t know it was down and redirecting. I can’t understand a reason not to keep it up. Usually stuff like that is taken down way after the movie has stopped playing, not while it’s still going strong at the box office.

Quite sad that it got taken down. I showed my parents before it went down all of the funny stuff on it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve decided to stage a funeral for That viral marketing site officially made WALL-E my most hyped Pixar film ever, and I’m already a huge Pixar fan! I drooled over the concept that Pixar was actually going to insert a little social commentary on human ways of life. I laughed at all of the news articles, fake ads, and little details about a single corporation controlling every aspect of human life., may you rest in peace.

I heard there’s going to be some viral marketing surrounding Up in the form of I hope it’s as cool as BnL!

i never saw that site :frowning:

It’s not up yet, but it’s registered.

Sorry. But the good news is that the BnL World News section is still online!
[url]WALL·E | Disney Movies

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Enjoy! It’s hilarious. XD

I’ve heard when the BnL website first came online, it had a video advertisement with Mark Andrews as a salesman? Has anyone heard of it? I’ve never seen it.

Yeah, I saw it, it’s about 30 seconds long and he’s dressed up like a business man. He talks about all the branches of BnL on a loooong list. It’s kinda funny.

Oh. Is there any way to see it? I think I first discovered the website a little after that video was removed.

Seconded. I didn’t find the site till after I watched Wall-E.

Has anyone who wrote or emailed them heard anything back? I think it’s very important that this website come back up, it’s a big part of the whole WALL-E experience.

And…they’re back!

Thanks to AUTO2009 for finding this ([url][/url])!

The new link is here:

well look at that i guess there is a happy ending to this forum :smiley:

Erm, not so happy for me. Either my internet is being crappy, or the page still doesn’t come up. I’ve clicked it like, four times now, and it shows the address in the browser and says it’s finished loading the page, but nothing comes up. :confused:

Heh, oh well. :unamused:

little chef

Do you have Flash Player 10 installed? Do you used Firefox and perhaps have FlashBlock or Adblock active? It is most definitely working, you may just not have the right plugin too view it. Maybe try different browsers as well. I’ve tested in IE and Firefox with both working very well.

Hello, I come from the future.