Buzz-Polar Disorder

it depends. i haven’t seen enough of spanish buzz yet. and i think that spanish buzz is going to be awesome.

I agreed. I think spannish Buzz will be my favourite xD

SPace Raaanger

I’m going with evil buzz. Seeing the bad guy version of your favorite good guy is really awesome.

And on a side note, what would Woody’s evil side be like?

That would be the scrapped version of the first Toy Story reel aka Black Friday. It actually makes you sympathizing with Mr. Potato Head and Sarge when they are barking at the jerkwad Woody.

The Mrs. Nesbit scene is not only, for me, the funniest scene in the whole of Toy Story, but is actually the funniest scene in any Pixar movie ever so far. I just love it. :laughing:

It’s very interesting just how many ‘personalities’ Buzz has had over the years though, in comparison to Woody who’s generally quite a bit more consistent as a character. It makes a good contrast between the two of them.

Personally I’m really excited to see Spanish Buzz. It looks hilarious in the trailers and I can’t wait to see how it plays out in the film. My only questions are how will Buzz finally be able to return back to normal and what language will he speak in the spanish dubbed version?

I like Mrs Nesbit!

Mrs. Nesbitt.

Oh my gosh, I crack up every single time he/she/it comes on screen xD

‘Tell me the hat looked good.’

Mrs Nesbit FTW! :smiley: <3

I voted for space ranger Buzz, just because of the things he does because he thinks he’s real. Never gets old. Mrs. Nesbit was a close second.

I know many of you have been dieing to see the return of Mrs. Nesbit.

Mrs. Nesbit. :-D) I haven’t seen that scene in so long! wanders to YouTube

Lol!! :laughing:

Yup, definitely my favorite…at least until I see Spanish Buzz in TS3, anyhow. :laughing:

Well, I have to say that I like Buzz better once he’s realised he’s a toy. While it’s true that this personality lacks the comical brilliance of the other personalities, he’s much better at drama and sheer awesomeness. Some examples:

  1. His initial Heroic Blue Screen of Death (TVTropes reference) creates the one true tearjerker moment of the first film, for me at least.

  2. “This isn’t flying, this falling with style!” That, ladies and gentlemen, is why Buzz Lightyear is more awesome than actual superheroes.

  3. “We have a friend in need, and we will not rest until he’s safe in Andy’s room! Now, let’s move out!” The brilliant bit of voice acting, combined with the music and the epic background almost make me salute and shout out, “Yes, sir!”

  4. Throwing the “You are a toy!” line back at Woody in TS2. It really shows how far he’s come.

There are plenty of other examples, but you get the idea.

Mrs. Nesbit all the way!

She is a particuarly fond memory of mine from the film as a young tike.

Brilliant voice acting by Tim Allen, as well.

Hellz yeah, Mrs. Nesbit.

Mrs. Nesbit is SO funny! It’s probably the funniest scene in Toy Story 1! :smiley:

what is toy story 1 i only know of toy story and toy story 2.

Wow, I’m really surprised at how popular Mrs. Nesbit is! When I made this poll I thought for sure that it was either going to be his Enlightened or Space Ranger personality. Still, that was the highlight of the first film.

Mrs. Nesbitt FTW
