I am still waiting impatiently for the DJ & Wingo Art!!!
aZnCdn: hang on there. Be patient. I can tell you that PC is working as hard as she can with it. I promise you that she will not disapoint.
I know.
We must not rush the artist. After all, a great artist once said “fine art can not be rushed you know.” If it was done now, it won’t look as good as it could be with the effort put into it.
Well, as Geri puts it in Toy Story 2:
“Ya’ can’t rush art.” - Geri
I whole-heartedly agree. Heheh.
Well, that makes two people who can agree on the same thing.
True. But I still can’t wait to see it.
[size=92]Here’s the special birthday pic for
a couple of my friends. (Their birthdays are so close together that I drew one pic for both of
Nice. it would be kind of funny if
DJ was busting out of the cake, but this is more tasteful.
[size=92]Well, that’s kinda what he did, really - suddenly broke out from the top of the cake and
yelled, “SURPRIIIISE!” And Convi and Fier are all like, “AWWW it’s DJ! <3”
the DJ pic just looks too cute. I love the cake picture so much. YOu did and incredible Job candy. Nice work.
please do more.
Haha – that’s adorable! Nice job,
I think that pic would’ve
been perfect for your birthdayt a while ago.
Hehe, that’s awesome! Nice job,
[size=92]Thank you everyone!
Love your new avatar, Sharpie.
PC- Aww, so sweet! I love the car on top of the birthday cake, and their
expressions are just awesome.
[size=92]I drew all my Cars OCs in one big group picture, with the
DRHs up front. (I know it’s munted but oh
Geez, Candy!
You’re so good a drawing cars! Nice work!
you’re obsessed! It’s makes perfect sense that you put the DRHs in the front of the line, too. Heheh.
Great picture, Candy!
Candy, you are just
an amazing artist. I love it so much. Nice work you have done. Sharpie is right. Cars is really your cup of tea
when it comes to art.