Cars 3(2016-2017)

I don’t know, I think a part 3 might be, eh… I dunno. Part 2 was to be expected, but a third might be overdoing it.

Pixar always says they only make sequels if they have a good story for one, and I’m not sure if they can think of another story in the Cars universe. But of course it’d give them a whole lot of new characters to make merchandise of so from a commercial standpoint it would be a good idea.

I would prefer seeing a new movie though, or a sequel to something else… but that’s just me!


Puuhhhlease NO!!! Cars was good, but the 2nd was just a marketing campaign for the toys. Dont ruin your good reputation Pixar

I’m not totally opposed to the idea, but I’d much rather see the studio continue making original films than capitalizing on an already huge franchise. They should take the Toy Story 3 route and just continue making shorts, IMO.

I was and am still a huge fan of the first Cars. And I liked Cars 2 to a point, but not nearly as much as the first. I missed Doc, and I really didnt care for Lightning taking a backseat to Mater. Plus there were logic problems and I was more interested in Lightning’s races than what was going on with Mater. I dont think I’d want them to do a Cars 3. Especially since Doc is gone, there was a such a void in the last movie.

I agree. One film without Doc is enough; I feel like a third movie would distance us too much from him. As much as I like Cars 2, I still believe he’s a core part of the series’ heart.

Is this just wishful thinking, or are there actually any considerations of this at Pixar? It seems like they’ve been encouraging Planes to carry on the Cars francise.

I’m always cautious about a 3rd movie in any series, regardless of who is the production company.

I call it the Rule of Three and it goes like this:
“The first movie is great, the second movie is better, the third movie is horrible”.

I assume this is because the 3rd movie is usually the last one in the series and the production crew is so bored with doing it that they don’t put in the serious effort like they did with the first two, because they just want to finish the job and move on to their “next big project”, whatever that may be.

There is actually a reason for this, if you do a bad job on the 2nd movie, they’re going to terminate your contract, which means you won’t be hired/paid to do the 3rd one.
But with the 3rd movie, your contract is (usually) terminated anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you do a good job or a bad one.

But this rule may not apply to Pixar, so I’m going to remain optimistic that if/when they do a Cars 3, they’ll be able to do it right.
After all, Toy Story 3 wasn’t a bad movie.

However, even the best production company in the world will eventually run into the same problem all serial franchises do, that all the stories have been told and there’s nothing more you can do.
In that situation, I’d prefer that they end the series “on a high note” so to speak, rather then keep drawing out the series for “the sake of having a recurring movie”.

If this does happen, it shouldn’t come as a suprise to anyone.

^How funny that you posted that literally just a couple of days before it was confirmed. :laughing:

Personally, I could do without it, but I still liked parts 1&2, so I will make the effort to see it. Plus, at least Cars is a franchise that lends itself well to… uh, being a franchise. There’s lots of ways they could potentially expand the universe some more so I’ll look forward to it.

You just gotta love IMDB trolls. 8D

Oh my godddddd, you’re right. I have a power. A dangerous power.

!?!?! Ahhhh, IMDB message boards, stay classy.

I’m not sure what the think about Cars 3, Cars isn’t my favorite franchise and Cars 2 was a small disappointment for me. But Toy Story 3 was one of the best movies so i will stay positive and hope for another great movie!

The Cars movies are now just drowned with merchandise to the point that the franchise is not really enjoyable. A third Cars movie is not welcome by me, but I accept its inevitability.

^ Agreed, the sequel ruined the series for me an is just a cash-in to sell more toys. At least Pixar isn’t behind the monstrosity that is Planes…

Pixar isn’t behind it. But keep in mind that both Pixar and Disney, by virtue of being ruled and ran by the same people, share the same corporate culture. Neither are innocent.

Cars 3 looks like it’ll come out 2018, or 2019. That’s what Lasseter said in July. :arrow_right: … n-and-cars


I’m sure people will enjoy it, but they’ll be skeptical about going to see it due to the general consensus about Cars 2.

One thing is Finn McMissile will have to be seen, even though they might want to tone down the spy/secret agent stuff. I’ll see at even it it’s spy-heavy, and probably love it, but I think in order for Cars 3 to lure people to seeing it, they may need a different angle (aside from those of us who did find Cars 2 pleasant.)

I think Finn McMissile was meant to be a new Doc Hudson sort of character, only a kind of mentor for Mater rather than Lightning McQueen. If so that didn’t exactly work out as smoothly.

Anyway I’m looking forward to it. The trouble I expect is going to be convincing others to go see it. But we’ll worry about that when the time comes.

Cars 3 seemed to get back to the roots of the Cars franchise a little more to me. Maybe not so much the Route 66 part (which was part of what first captured me into the franchise), but deff the racing and the heart of the franchise.

We got back to the racing, where Cars2 had racing but, let’s be honest, not a lot of it. The first Cars included two entire races plus some history of racing with Doc and the dirt track. Cars 2 just had the races as something to get the gang out of the country and basically as something for Light to do while Mater was off having his adventure. Cars 3 got back to the racing, and we got to see Light and his racing friends having fun and everything.

We also got some history again. In the first Cars, the history was Route 66-centric. It was about the history of Radiator Springs, and Route 66 and the interstate system. Cars 2 sorta skipped out on the history aspect of the franchise, in favor of more world building (which, don’t get me wrong, I LOVED the international world building). But Cars 3 got back into the history, in this case the history of the Piston Cup when they got to Thomasville.

Plus! Basically everyone in Radiator Springs got lines!! (Except Red, but you know, Red) Even Doc got lines! And Sally got an actual part again!! The Radiator Springs family was back and looking after each other again. Plus we got to meet Light’s Racing Gang (Bobby & Cal) and Doc’s old racing gang (More Doc Backstory?!?).

Plus, I love the Cars architecture (which is why I still love Cars 2, despite it’s flaws), like the Rust-Eze Racing Center designed like a racetrack, the Florida racetrack open to the sea was really cool, and the old Thomasville track?? Looks EXACTLY like old dirt tracks!!

So ya, basically I LOVED Cars 3, it seems the more natural sequel of Cars than Cars 2 did, Cars 2 seems like an extra long Tall Tale.