Cars Characters- Humanized

I basically agree with all of that, sally&stickers. Nice job. :wink: :mrgreen: Hahaha, I love the Frank one. :laughing:

Ha ha! sally&stickers, the idea of Frank being a crazy rancher is so funny! I wouldn’t have thought of it! Anyway, I now have a thread for my art! And I have posted a drawing of humanized McQueen that I think turned out really good! And I’m currently working on a drawing of the humanized Tuner Gang (Boost, Wingo, DJ, and SnotRod). I love this thread :smiley:

THAT is funny! 8D

And about Francesco, i CAN’T see him walking around shirtless, i don’t know i just can’t. :confused:

Well, that would actually be pretty logical… Normal cars have fenders covering (hiding) their suspension, while Francesco’s is fully exposed, which is like if we were seeing his “musculature”.
Like John Lasseter said here: “He’s an
open-wheel car, and in the car world, an open-wheel car is like those guys who barely
button their shirts.”

i know he’s supposed to be a bull, but i don’t think of bulls chasing local troublemakers off and protecting a heard of cattle… er, tractors

Ya. But whenever I think of Francesco as a human, I always see him in his racing gear with his helmet under his arm, with a charmin smile. :slight_smile:

That’s usually how I picture McQueen at the beginning of Cars 1, in his fries suit with a Rust-eze baseball hat (with Lightning McQueen logos of course), then later in to movie I picture him in like Jeans and a t-shirt.

Just think of Francesco with his fire suit not zipped all the way up to the neck, since the lack of fenders is supposed to be him showing off.

Now i’ve given it some thought, I see Francesco as:
Tall, a little taller than Lightning would be, warm brown eyes, slightly muscled, chocolate brown hair, slightly tanned, calm with his trademark smile on his face. Basically this: [url][/url] Some people picture him with a beard or goatie. I do not, and so its clear, that isn’t a beard in the picture, its the shadow on his neck.

Wow, Francesco Bernoulli!

His smile and look in particular are perfect. They look exactly like his expression on your signature. I see no flaws, great job Bonanna! I can’t wait to see Carla Veloso (but I will 'cause I want it to look great! :mrgreen: )

:smiley: Thanks! Thsi was the first digital thing i’ve done and i did that on my iPad. Carla is on paper though. Francesco took SO long to do (Like… 6 months!) so I stuck with the traditional way. And yes, i am thrilled with his smile!

Awesome drawing of him, Bonanna137! It’s absolutely perfect! You did a fantastic job! I love the look Lightning’s giving him XD You should make a Pixar fanart thread when you get the chance! Funny story: the reason I gave my variation of Francesco a goatee is because in my older drawings, I was having a hard time telling Lightning and Francesco apart uncolored… yes, my early 2011 stuff was that bad :stuck_out_tongue:

The goatee could make sense as a stand in for the bumper, maybe.

OWP, That is an awesome idea! I might just do that! and the look on Lightnings face! That wasn’t planned but when I was doing the template for the face, I just sorta doodled and it happened! :smiley:
Spirit Of Adventure, that would make sense but I tried with the goatee and it didn’t look as good :confused:

No, your version doesn’t need it. I’m impressed by it.

You were able to make him look human and yet the shape of his face is unmistakeable. He looks just like Bernoulli.

:slight_smile: Thanks! To be honest I went through several shapes for his face, I settled on that one because it… just looks like him I guess. I can’t explain it, I drew it and i’m like “This is the one.”

The same thing happened to me when I looked at your design. My kudos again :slight_smile:

Lol yes! Love the new sig by the way! :smiley: