Cars DVD Cover Art

No offense, but the can

make Mater and Lightning look better on that cover .

I’d say it’s definitely not

their best cover, but hopefully the film will have sold itself rather than having to rely on the cover. But to be

honest, I didn’t think much of the adverts, which surprised me as I thought Pixar would have tried to make their

film seem as amazing as possible, since they haven’t released anything in so long.


big pic here -

I admit it looks better bigger,

but…Still, I’m not 100% happy with it. Lightnings’ eyes are UGH.

And WTF ONLY ONE DISK??? :imp:

I really… reaaaally hope they change their

minds about the one-disk thing.

Jeez, am I the only one who likes the cover art? :stuck_out_tongue:

If it is one-disc, I will be sorely disappointed, and I say we all

petition for a two-disc version like madmen until they give in. :smiley:

I don’t really dislike the cover art

all that much, but I’m not that big a fan of it. I really wish they’d use the shiny, glittery red design that

they used for the soundtrack and other such things; it looks to me like they’re trying to cram too much onto the

cover, and I’d much rather they just keep it simple.

This is IT?

Sydrome: "Lame, lame,

lame, LAME!" :imp: :angry:


I like the cover art… it’s something new and I don’t think it’s

too crammed… heck, it doesn’t even have all the characters from the film. I do hope they change their minds

about having it on one disc though… the Incredibles had SO many extras, and I KNOW that the making of Cars had

MUCH more.

1 Disc and 30 dollars no less. That’s ALMOST

enough to make me not buy it - especially since there’s a floating rumor of a 2 disc SE come Ratatouille’s

release next year. I’m not huge on the cover art but it’s not bad - I just think the whole package needs sopme

serious tweaking. The Incredibles blew the DVD awards out of the water - they should put the same into


Oh, the Syndrome quote is hurting my

sides!!! :laughing:

Yeah, ONE featurette? Four deleted Scenes?? Apart from the usual, (Short, teaser, and

bonus Short), not only are they lacking in EVERY department of Bonus feature, they are MISSING a


Yeah, I’m thinking I’ll just rent it on Pay-Per-View and wait for the SE to come out

next year. The Incredibles DVD was just so much fun to play around with, and this…Well, it mine as well be a

VHS. :angry:

If a 2-disc SE will be made, I’ll

definitely wait for it. But to go through all that (almost a year of waiting, plus a 1-disc DVD in the middle),

it better be the most amazing DVD set I’ll own in my collection.

But I don’t understand why they’re

not including all of their usual extras. A two disk DVD set is always attractive in terms of value for money, so

what’s their reason behind cutting it down to a single disk with mediocre (-500sp) extras?

No one really knows!! This

has never happened to a PIXAR DVD before, not one I could remember!!

A lot of people have mentioned

“Double Dipping” taking advantage of the public by allowing only one kind of DVD when people really

wanted more.

A lot of people have accused George Lucas of doing the same thing with his Classic Star Wars


Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, no Originals - 2004
Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, NO Bonus Features -

Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, the Original films as Bonus Features, 2006

I’m sure they did something similar with the first POTC-

they recently released some kind of treasure chest set extras thing with the DVD, and some people are

disappointed that they didn’t release this originally. It’s all to make money, I guess.

I think a lot of the double dipping thing has to do

with the fact that Pixar is now firmly under Disney’s roof. As much as I love Disney, you can’t help but notice

the fact that they like to squeeze the money out of their buyers. For example they released a Kingdom Hearts cell

phone game a while ago but rather than sell the whole game as one they sold it in pieces to get pepole interested

and ultimately pay more money.

Hopefully everything will work out though… one of the main reasons I buy

DVDs is for the extra features!

Sort of

off-topic but has anybody seen this image


Is it just a poster? I haven’t seen it before


I found it

here: … /index.php

  • and it linked to here: … yword=Pixa


Maybe it’s the DVD cover art for other countries, besides the US, I mean? It’s not

unusual for different countries to have different cover art.

That could be a german poster for the film. However that would make cool cover art with

some modifying. Take note Disney. Use that as cover art.

I just did a

post up about it

and found a high res of the picture. It’s the Official German Poster for Cars.