Character Discussion: Flik! <3

Courageous, Valorous, Ingenious and Naive … that is FLIK

You summed it up there! 8D

Flik is my favorite ABLK character, and one of my favorite film protagonists. I’m not as creative as he is, but I’m pretty weird. He’s really awesome, and Dave Foley is WINNING! :smiling_imp:

I love quirky protagonists, and Flik’s awkwardness and identifiable position in the movie make him a really good character. And his inventiveness had a real impact on me as a small child, maybe even to this day. :slight_smile:

^ I agree completely!

I like Flik! Especially his voice, and how unintentionally funny he is.

I loved Flik because he was so awesome!!! It’s interesting to see how one small person (um, ant) can make such big things happen. Let this be a lesson to all of us!!

Flik is my favourite character from A Bugs Life. I love that he comes up with so many great inventions and that he is really creative. I also love that he stood up against Hopper.

Same here, it was brave beyond words.

Even when he beat him up :imp:
He is awesome :slight_smile:

Yes. I fully agree with you.

I’m quite excited that Dave Foley will be in MU. I wonder how big or small his role is…

Yes. I thought he was great as Flik, so it will be great to see him back on another Pixar film. I too wonder what his role will be in MU.

Ooh, that makes me so excited!

Same, I’m glad to hear that he’s returning to Pixar.

Filk is super cool. I can relate to him in a way.

In what ways?

Well like he had all these idea but no one really took him seriously. I feel like Iam in the postion a lot. His relationship with Atta. He wants her the whole movie but she kinda ignores him until middle to end of the film. That really happens to most guys though. But his overall attitude is kind of like mine.

Flik is a boss. :sunglasses:

Woah, he’ll be in Monster University? Coolness!!

I wonder what kind of character he’ll play in MU. A teacher? A baddie? A geeky character like Flik was?