Character Discussion: Skinner

I quite like that theory! It explains so much. Bravo for your post! :smiley:

Personally, I think Skinner is just hysterical. My dad and I really like him. I mean, he goes to the hugest extremes just to make his reputation look good. That’s bad, funny, and awesome all at the same time, at least the way he does it. He’s less evil than he is dishonorable, and that’s what makes him so classic and relatable. You could even consider his lawyer a minion or a sidekick, and this only makes him more relatable to real people. I probably shouldn’t be thinking this, but I kind of like how he has fun with his schemes while they last. He can’t succeed with his schemes anyway, so it’s nice to see when he gets a kick out of them.

Skinner has this thing called Short Man Syndrome. So did Gilbert Huph from The Incredibles. That’s what Mom told me usually happens to short men when they feel the need to act tough–in order to make themselves feel bigger. Ya know what I mean?

That’s not to say that they don’t have other reasons for being the way they are. Skinner’s actions coem from greed and jealousy; in his mind, he’s the one who should take over Gusteau’s, not Linguini. It’s a little harder to put your finger on Huph’s motives, but based on Bob being forced to give his clients as little assistance as possible, that gives us at least a little insight to Huph’s inner motives.