Create Your Own Portmanteau Couple Name!

Well for the married Incredibles we could use either their original superhero names OR their real names.

Um… Bob and Helen… Boben? Like those bobbing heads almost? Um, maybe not. Helb? That sounds like something from a boat almost.

Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible. Mr Incrediblelastigirl… I dare you to say that three times fast eithout getting tounge tied. Plus it sounds like a superhero with split personalities.

Mirage and Violet is also a rare ship, but it exists. I’ve seen it in any case.

Miragolet almost sounds like a type of cat. Or Vioage isn’t too bad. It kind of sounds like some kind of odd superhero name itself though.

Oh man, sometimes these ship names can sound so BAD.

Some are easy to make, others are harder, though that should be obvious.

Incredigirl…whistles loudly



Well, for my favorite Pixar movie, there is

Bolen, Helob, Viony, Syndrage

These all sound so fun!

I’ve come up with one: BRL-T (assuming L-T And BRL-A are of opposite genders, that is)

rotfl, literally :laughing:

I didn’t even try and somehow I came up with MO-4 (assuming GO-4 was female). :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s really good! I never thought of any secondary coupes on Wall-E. :smiley:

Eve- Go-4 is a boy…

Anyway, I came up with “Jerry” for John and Mary. :smiley:

Mirage and Violet together in a relationship!? Quickly looks up.

Nice one! Way better than Mohn!

I know, but I often get in the habit of doing gender benders…:stuck_out_tongue:

But technically robots don’t have genders. Technically!

Technically speaking, that would be true. BUT! Technically each robot is built in either a masculine or feminine design that successfully complies with its directive, thus gving a robot its gender, so to speak.


I believe they are. :slight_smile:

Carllie (Has anyone come up with this yet? If not, I’d be surprised!)
AUTEVE (Yes, some fanfic writers have actually explored this possibility)

I’ve got one for Toy Story:

Bessie (Buzz x Jessie) :wink:

Heehee, good one! I think of Cars though.

“Shoot, you get to work with Bessie! I’d give my left two lugnuts for something like that!”

Sorry to revive a thread from over two years ago… I just thought it’d be a good idea, since we’ve got Brave and Cars 2.

So… here’s some Brave ones I came up with:

Meridingwall (Merida x Young Dingwall)

Merintosh (Merida x Young Macintosh)

Muffin (Merida x Young MacGuffin)

Ferlinor (Fergus x Elinor)

Some Cars 2:



Hollecesco (just to be ridiculous)

Salcesco (this one will get me tomatoed…)

And now, for some random joke pairings:

Russellie (if Russell were to time travel back into the 30s)

Pill (Peach x Gill)

Purgle (Peach x Gurgle)

Debloat (Deb x Bloat)

Debubbles (Deb x Bubbles)

Colarousse (Colette x Larousse… really?!!)

Colalo (Colette x Lalo)

Cohorst (Colette x Horst)

Compidou (Colette x Pompidou…poor Colette, being shipped with every chef that’s not Linguini)

Lizzley (Lizzy x Stanley)

Sallmore (Sally x Fillmore)

HAN-FIB (HAN-S x D-FIB; I seriously may be the only one shipping this…)

LQ-M (L-T x VAQ-M)

HAN-A (HAN-S x BRL-A… if you’re wondering why, check my fanart thread)

BRLQ-M (BRL-A x VAQ-M… again, go to my fanart thread)

CompAuto (Axiom’s computer x Auto… makes a whole lotta sense)

That’s pretty much what I could come up with. :unamused:

Ha ha, “Meridingwall”… love that, JSWeC! (And personally, I’m “Team Dingwall”, if Merida ended up with one of the three :smiley:)
I haven’t done many of these, but the best ones I think I’ve come up with are:
Sallightning (That should be obvious)
Malley (Coined this one back in January '11. I was really hoping that Mater and Holley would end up a couple somehow, but I kept telling myself “OWP, you’re setting yourself up for nothing; stop being so obsessed!”, and lo and behold, a few months later… I found out I was actually right! <3)

Too bad that there’s no way to make a couple name for the Potato Heads! :stuck_out_tongue: