Destroy the picture above you

Karma is a *****! :laughing:

Anakin still lived as Darth Vader. Uh oh, are we going back to this?

His remorse leads to his demise

According to this book, remorse can be awfully painful and kill the person.

Ok, I know this one was stupid and impossible, so I’ll have to destroy it myself.

So, it’s a book from the Harry Potter lore. Nobody destroys it, but Dumbledore hides it, so it must count.

He Who Shall Not Be Named kills Dumbledore

BTW it was not impossible i could have just made Chuck Norris round house kick the book

Your mistake is corrected: Voldemort is never able to kill Dumbledore.

I fix the mistake by having Severus Snape murder Dumbledore

Well shows that i am not a big fan of Harry Potter :laughing: Well this fingernail scratches off the white out!

Dang i posted this at the same time so someone destroy a finger and snape if you can! :smiling_imp:

Nagini bites Snape and eats the finger 8D

harry Potter is a parceltounge that can talk to snakes.

Yeah but [spoil]neville killed nagini[/spoil], I can talk to you but you can probably kick my butt 8D

Augusta Longbottom grounds Neville.

The weasley’s bust Him out w/ the flying car because it worked so well w/ harry

In the actual Chamber of Secrets book, that episode doesn’t happen.

Goodbye to that car
 (i couldn’t find the harry potter wheeping willow!)

The Whomping Willow beats your wheeping willow.

Speaks for itself.

Yoda can deflect those with his hands and throw them back to Palpatine.

Being almost a millenium old will get Yoda soon.