Destroy the picture above you

This video from The Iron Giant will tell us how to duck-and-cover in such an emergency.

The films burns and nobody can see the tutorial.

Thank goodness for DVDs :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank God for Blu-ray

How about a good old fashioned Spilling the Soda on the priceless item?

Some might beg to differ. But others believe Pepsi > Coke.

I agree too, but I must destroy you.

How about Sprite?

Water will always be THE drink.

The sun’s rays make the water disappear

Mr. Burns Sun Blocker… blocks the sun.

Mr. I steps on it.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :blush:

Correction: the Pie Man would be the one to stop Mr. Burns.

But I meant the sun blocker, not Mr. Burns the man.

The original classic.

How about some yummy Kryptonite for breakfast?

Um, yeah… that would be going all the way back to my page 1 reply, and I can’t think of anything else for Kryptonite. Anyone have any ideas?

The real krypton destroys kryptonite because even in its solid state, it has none of the properties of the fictitious crystal :slight_smile:

Supergirl destroys the Kryptonite with her heat vision.

Edit: She also destroys the real krypton, then.

This chick’s much more respected and independent, and she’s a house wife!

But What happens when you freeze rubber or something elastic?