Destroy the picture above you

Even Homer can’t resist this.

He can if he’s watching TV.

The one(PP appropriate) thing most Americans prefer to TV: Food.

People digest food.

Not everyone’s metabolism is capable to eat so much at one time. But mine is!

Thyroid disorders can change your metabolism.

Surgery fixed my aunt’s thyroids.

Surgery made me lose my Torso.

That’s no problem when your trying to make Abominations!

Ripley burns the abominations with her flamethrower.

A flamethrower will be useless if it’s plugged with Liquid Nitrogen.

Some tries to spray me with liquid Nitrogen, speed on out of there.

…Did I do that?

Now this can do more than scratch a car.

Gandalf the White will take away your sword.

Too bad that the balrog will make everyone think that Gandalf is dead!

Glamdring defeated the Balrog.

A Flamberge is a much cooler sword.

Sorry to use this again, but we all know which is the coolest.

Spartan’s armor and shields aren’t cut by lightsabers.