Destroy the picture above you

Thesell kill it!

Okay no offence S 330 but you should post items that are not created by you because when you post those items there are no movies or books or anything about them so we do not know the weakness they have so we just have to destroy them with any mumbo jumbo we think is better…If you want you can open a thread to showcase your stuff cause it looks good. :smiley:

I have to agree with YouAreAToy!!!

Open a thread for your art (Though I think you already have one)

Anyway, let’s destroy those with… dangerous rogue robots.

higher box office gross

[size=150]Sid Phillips[/size]

That’s cold.

I don’t see why it’s cold, but if you wanna be destroyed in a hotter way, TAKE THIS:

These guys save the day.

Repetitive posts are destroyed by this.

New things destroy boredom.

“It’s just like NEW!!!”

Living toys ruin his plans

(Please don’t incinerate them again 8D)

They got donated to a foster home!

Oops. Sorry about the house.


Firefighters can’t work if they’re on strike.

You pay them and the strike is over.

If you lose your money, you can always make a withdrawal from the bank.

That was actually from the game portal. I just made these in particular models.