Destroy the picture above you

but he is not an ordinary criminal, he is the JOKER

You didn’t read my last post, did you? 8D

Anyway, I’m sure this violates the OP rule: “If you post something compleatly unrelated and claim that it wins because it’s cooler does not work.” 8D

Well, I’ll defeat the Joker nevertheless. He is no ordinary criminal? Well, he’s no ordinary Ranger:

I did

you are probably misunderstanding the meaning of my post:

you wrote:

I wrote:

, got it???,

anyway, Sauron is much more powerful in his human-like form

No, not that part. This one:

We’ve had too much Batman! (Also too much Star Wars, if anyone wants to make a list) 8D

So Isildur cuts Sauron’s finger and defeats him.

I know we’ve had too much of them, but is there a rule here, in which says that members must NOT repeat a character???mmmmm , I thought the game consisted in posting the best picture (idea) that comes to someone’s mind in order to smash the last one, anyway back to topic:

I call to my Princess Merida to use her bow and arrow… that was the way Isildur died

No, there’s no rule against that, but it becomes kind of repetitive when you have to destroy the same thing. It happened a while ago with the Toy Story gang > Incinerator. I was just saying.

So Merida uses her bow, but Legolas never runs out of arrows, can shoot two at a time and even kill someone with them without the bow.

totally agree, but his love interest made him change his current profession, he became a pirate

But he quit from that too in 2007, actually, so now he’s just a random actor.

Orlando Bloom’s puppy dog face is no match for Antonio Banderas’ smexy face

According to that picture, Banderas is mostly composed of sweat/water. So a mop can get rid of him.

Yen Sid!

But that wizard was a crazy old man!

Well, this one has considerable power.

he is no match to one of the smartest wizards in the world

[spoil]Pride and a cursed ring destroy him.[/spoil]

On Ring to rule them all.

Ironically, the destruction of the Ring, would also cause the collapse of the Mount.

These are the people responsible: