Destroy the picture above you

He can make ANY toy seem bad.

Suddenly, Barbie turns on Ken.

Just as before, Mattel reconciles Barbie and Ken.

To me, Mattel’s toys haven’t as much fun factor as Lego’s.

Most younger children prefer video games

I don’t think video games will ever completely replace classic board games.

Mr. Potato Head seems to tell us otherwise.

This is a Pixar forum, so therefore my Pixar board games win.

EDIT: Aah! I missed Flik-E’s post. Sorry!

Pixar video games!! :smiling_imp:

Can’t beat the most classic video game.

How can it? 8D

Anyway, I suppose the real deal is better.

Nothing like seeing a movie in the cinema.

Actually, it can look a lot better if you have a high definition home theater and the film in the theater is damaged in turn (which is happening a lot lately)

Water ruins the film while developing.

Sponges… absorb water.

I incinerate your sponge.

The claaaaaaaaaaw!!!

What did we said about posting that SAME SEQUENCE again? 8D

The claw saves them from incineration.