Destroy the picture above you

They can’t dance up the stairs.

That’s why we have elevators.

Arthur puts a bomb on the elevator.

I followed the sign to the shelter!

It turned out to be a shelter made by twigs.

i burned your twig shelter.


I don’t think hed survive this. :cry:

At least Coruscanti firefighters cant fight that fire from above, in their ships.

If the planes are grounded, then they have a chance to put the fire out.

You can’t ground a living plane.

I’mma let you finish, but Wall-E had the best A113 placement of all time. Of all time!

Captain McCrea fights the directive A113 and shuts Auto down.

Captain McCrea’s weakness is pizza.

Jabba the Hutt eats the pizza.

The pizza mutates Jabba the Hutt into Pizza the Hut (yeah, I’ve seen this movie before).

Then the rancor eats him with satisfaction.

To the rescue!!!

Buzz’s reputation as a first class thespian is ruined by his choosing to make a horrible TV show

Hopefully, nobody will remember that series and he’ll just be known for the trilogy.