Destroy the picture above you

He’s a millionaire now. He doesn’t care about overcharging.

Unless he has a gambling problem!

Greedy people won’t gamble.

Maybe hes charitabal.<sorry if i spelled that wrong

Evil people doesn’t have charity.

Sometimes the villians screames are funny 8D

Purists like me hate that invented scene where Potter and Voldy fall in a cliff.

Now destroy me :smiling_imp:

I am a Purist too!

(I think…


Not as

Heyman and his people then ruin our purist expectations.

He actualy thinks hes hot 8D

Uhm… that was weird… 8D

Well, there can’t be hot in here.

I melted it.

Flame on!


The Fantastic Twins transform into a bucket of water.

Who are they? The look like Spock. 8D

They do!

They’re some superheroes in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

Ah, okay.

Critics and audiences alike have more love for these supers.

Not as much as this one.

Ouch. That hurts. 8D

Superman has a lot of abilities, but he’ll never be as fast as the fastest man alive.

Frank Abagnale Jr. stole The Flash’s identity.