Destroy the picture above you

According to a lot of members, the Brave teaser is their best yet.

That’s all opinion. I, along with a lot of people I know, claim that the TI teaser was the best they’ve seen.

We were on the matter of posters, no trailers.

But anyway, they replaced the original Mr. Incredible costume for the new one in that teaser:

I still like the bRave Teaser better.

They can’t see the trailer if they’re blind.

Braille has helped them so much.

Have you noticed that there is an extra “z” in there?

maybe he could try contacts

Contacts aren’t comfortable for everyone. Glasses are still more used.

Unless their broken.

Or you can have eye surgery and correct the problem.

kindof throwing up righ now

The Force is stronger in this pumpkin.

Is he the new ‘force’

The real Voldemort in within the books.

J.K.Rowling drew this one!

But that one is a Snape, not a Voldemort!

And Snape is one of the few characters that has been somewhat correctly portrayed in the movies (besides the age), as J.K. Rowling picked Alan Rickman herself!

How old is he in the books? :smiley:

Snape is amazing, but not friendly.

If I am correct [spoil]Snape dies at age 38[/spoil]the thing is the actor who plays him in the movies looks way older then 38 because he is actually 65 but all the make up they pile on makes him look about mid 40’s.

Anger hurts friendship.