Destroy the picture above you

The Animaniacs infiltrate on the Warner tank and plant bombs on the studio.

But nothing could stop the Animaniacs from being canceled.

Cancelated as this was, Spielberg made a lo of money.

Though he is a legend, he, along with the rest of us, will die at some point.

Gandalf can resurrect.

Gandalf gets a poisonous snake bite :smiling_imp: :frowning:


Mike Wazowski Seduces Celia.

Perseus was killed by a Megapenthes.

Oops! sorry about that!

It’s okay! I made the same mistake! 8D

Bye bye Buggy!!! 8D

Better movie, protagonist is twice as old, and still cuter.

Cuter antagonist

That’s disputable. I personally think Rapunzel is much cuter than Lotso.

ANTagonist, like bad guy. Rapunzel was a good guy 8D

So? Surely such a talented princess could defeat a stuffed bear. :unamused:

I meant that TS3 had a cuter antagonist than Tangled. Rapunzel is hands-down better than lotso in every way

But I posted Rapunzel. You’re supposed to destroy her, not Mother Gothel. 8D

These two beat Lotso.

But you know what happens when you put a toy in a microwave…