Destroy the picture above you

Giant meteors hit Japan in contemporary times, so he does die.

Japan is destroyed, but the AMERICAN version of Godzilla survives 8D

Aliens land in America and blast away Godzilla with laser guns.

The laser gets deflected by a lightsaber.

The lightsaber belongs to Qui Gon Jinn![spoil]My favorite![/spoil]

Except that isn’t true because that actually was Kenobi’s first lightsaber:


Qui Gon Jinn is a more experienced jedi. [spoil]And better looking.[/spoil]

Yoda is a lot more experienced:

Hehe, I love amy’s post.

Yoda falls in Mount doom

Mount Doom becomes dormant.

Some underground explosions could reactivate the volcano’s activity.

Batman plugs the volcano

No comment.


Samurai Jack could totally beat her.

Is he a magic user? Because if he’s only a warrior, then I doubt it.

Anyway, I doubt it he could stand the attack of a whole samurai army:

He has a magic sword, and he’s a good warrior, so he would be able to defeat the samurai army and that lady.

Excalibur, the most famous of magic swords.

The Lady calls the sword back.