Destroy the picture above you

He’ll be taking great umbrage with that

More powerful blue guy

Jeannie is a prettier genie.

Her witch counterpart beats her because she can do things by herself instead of those wished by a master.

She’s a meaner and greener witch.

Not to be redundant, but…

I’m out of ideas.

If you had more ideas, you wouldn’t have posted that image again.

I can’t see that image.

Sorry. Fixed now.

Better ideas

Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock is popular, but BBC Sherlock has a larger fanbase.

Holmes true home is Victorian London, not the modern day one.

Basil Rathbone is the most handsome Sherlock Holmes.

This game si getting very subjective, uh? 8D

No Holmes beats THE Holmes.

The American Girl historical books also take place in the past, but are easier to understand.