Dissapointed at Pixar

Pixar has never made films targeted at just a specific group (kids, teens, adults, whatever…), and is unlikely to ever do so.
If they have anything that resembles a “target audience”, it would be themselves.

In my opinion their films are for just about everyone - including adults.

I have to agree with the above two posts, Pixar is for everyone and so for them to make a film aimed at adults would not be a good idea, especially as it would put their reputation as a family-orientated company at risk. In a way, it would’ve been cool for Pixar to have been involved with John Carter of Mars, and I have no doubt that they would’ve done an excellent job, but business wise and film wise, it makes more sense to target their films at absolutely everybody.

Anyway, Pixar doesn’t make their films solely for money. As totoro said, in reality they make their films for themselves. It’s just a massive plus point that everyone else seems to love them too!

Me too. Pixar is like a wonderland to their staff to do what they have in their minds and re-invent it as a material that we called FILM. :slight_smile:

I also agree with the consensus that Pixar isnt out to make movies that ‘target’ a certain audience. They just make the movies that they wanna make. They make the kind of movie they themselves would want to see.

I still don’t get what’s going on with John Carter. First they say “Yes, it’s a Pixar movie,” and then, “Pixar’s just doing the special effects,” to “No, it’s not a Pixar movie,” to now “Yes, it’s a Pixar movie.” Well, what IS IT?!

I’m sorry, what exactly are we complaining about? Sure, it’s being distributed by Disney, but it’s still very PIXAR oriented, as it’s by veteran director Andrew Stanton. Plus John Lasseter will be executive producing the film, so it’s going to be great.
I’m actually very relieved that PIXAR isn’t going to be producing this film, since PIXAR is known for creating their own inventive stories rather than adapting previous works to film. To have a story that I could already know the ending to, somehow doesn’t feel like one of their films (which is why I’m slightly unsettled of 1906).

When did G and PG automatically equal kid targeted? Don’t mistake Disney’s marketing for Pixar’s intent. Seconding “Pixar makes everybody movies.”

And actually, PG-13 films tend to gross more than films parents can take their children to; no matter what audience they are targeted for; r films do even worse. Filmmakers tend to avoid R as much as they can because of this.

I would actually be kind of glad that Pixar wouldn’t be doing John Carter. I’ve always thought it would be strange for Pixar to make a live action movie when they’re known as Pixar Animation Studios.

I think the contrary, because I wouldn’t like it if Pixar made a live-action movie after years of almost-interupted 3D. I say interrupted because of the live-action use in WALL-E, and there was 2D in your friend the rat and some Pixar films’ credits.

Um, I wouldn’t want them to make live action films. It’s like them accepting that animation is underappreciated, downgraded, and looked down upon. Besides, I don’t like movies that have “target audiences”, because it’s never me, and they don’t do as well. I love all their movies, and it is my belief that Pixar is the best company on Earth, and should stay the course. :slight_smile:

I couldn’t agree more, IncredigirlVirginia! Pixar doing a live action movie dosn’t seem right either because they would not be doing what they were meant to do- especially as they are known as Pixar “Animation” Studios.
The “Best” Company on Earth should not subside from their sole purpose.

Agreed!!! :smiley:

Lasseter is not “executive producing” John Carter of Mars. He’s apparently not involved at all on any level. The film is being made in London.

Just because Lassetter’s not involved doesn’t mean it’ll suck.

Why would JL be involved :question: I personally prefer that PIXAR stay with animation.

I agree with Virginia, keep Pixar animated!

High-five!! :smiley:

I second that.

High-five!! :slight_smile: