Epic Mickey

I don’t like the image of the big dude(thing?) that has body parts made of Tigger, crocodile, etc. That freaks me out.

Then the image did its job, a shame well never see it on the game :cry:

Lord_Zedd: Well, if Epic Mickey isn’t scary enough for you, find another game that is.

I, for one, think that the design for this game is very well done, and it’s not scary to the point that only horror fans would play it. It needs to appeal to everyone, and I think they did a good job of doing so.

If it were beyond creepy, then I would most likely never play it. Heck, I have a hard time even watching something as simple as the Zelda games! So basically, what I’m saying is that some people just can’t handle stuff like that - especially kids.

You make a good point, DoE. Besides, that one image totally freaks me out.

Daughter of eveLook at the first page of comments on the post, everyone is saying" A horror disney game thats so cool, hope those pictures are real".

It turns out the dark pictures were fake , they were just made to catch the people attention, and thats not good.

its not that the game its not dark, it sthat they sold the game like a horror game, when it isnt

Maybe you found zelda scary, but today kids dont find resident evil scary, for them, this is just another videogame, like mario galaxy.

The disney horror game would have been epic, it would had gone down in history as one of the most awesome games ever.

So if they are not gonna put THIS on the game:

Why publish the image anyway?

And yeah Increidigrlvirgynia, the image its supossed to scare…

Good early marketing, that’s why.

Thats not good marketing, its misleading advertising.

Well, I’m sorry that I’m not like all the other kids out there…? :unamused:

I don’t have a problem with them making it darker. In fact, I like the fact that they’re making a darker Disney game. The only thing I was talking about was the fact that if they had gone with their pre-production designs, then people like me (who don’t enjoy scaring the crap outta ourselves) would probably end up not buying it.

And I also agree with Gazelle. I believe it was also just a tool to get the older people interested in this new Disney game along with the kids.

I dint mean it in an offensive way, what im saying is that if they want to scare kids, they are gonna have to try harder.

And about the scary horror pictures, they are not gonna be in the game, …so yeah misleading advertising.

And good early marketing :smiley:

Oh geez, more people who don’t get it!

Everywhere I look people are complaining about the art style, they’re complaining about the character, they’re complaining about how it isn’t dark enough. This was never the point of this game. You know had it been a few years ago when concept leaks weren’t prone to happening this game would’ve enjoyed a good run for what it is.

The game is about Mickey mouse earning his respect back.

The mouse has been nothing but an icon to sell sweet wrappers and theme parks. Now Disney, or rather Warren Spector, is finally doing something about it. People are failing to see that this is a small drop in the ocean- who knows what this could lead to. The concept is also rich in emotional depth and I’ve spotted a few pointers to where this could all be leading up to.

I also miss when people didn’t have such high standards for the gameplay. Mario’s never innovative and yet people love his games. Epic Mickey is a proper exploration game, a big romping free roamer of sorts. Once upon a time a concept with some decent gameplay was all people wanted.

I’m desperately trying to spread the message so that it doesn’t become another princess and the frog situation. Everyone winged, everyone moaned, and this scared disney into changing their marketing strategy. And the film came out and was perfect, it was what we asked for. They tried. They honest to god tried. And no-one saw that or gave them proper credit for it- as a result, Tangled instead of Rapunzel.

I’m doing a disney documentary of sorts to highlight the importance Epic Mickey has to Disney as a whole. I’ll link it here and hope some of you are keen enough to see it. It might even help you see where Warren is coming from.


Then WHY? WHY show us pictures of a dark game they are not gonna give us? They also lied about Oswald being the major villian.

and Gazelle using that logic Roland emerich is the best director in the world, because the trailers for his movies are great, but the movies suck

They never actually lied about anything. People just overhyped more than Disney anticipated (oswald IS a villain, he’s just redeemable and he was always planned to be from the beginning, and the beetleworx were blatantly early art which should never be definite signs of the final game)- more than Warren spector had anticipated. If he can push it this far imagine if given a chance he could push it next time.

I think Epic Mickey is the perfect opputunity to give Disney a chance to go further, if we don’t give it to them then we’ve failed as a support base.

They put the high standar to the game, if instead of promoting it a year ago like this:

Epic mickey

A horror disney game where everyone in disney wants to kill mickey, full of scary monsters, like this

And promote the game like this

                                              [b]   Epic mickey[/b][img]http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/103/1039946/epic-mickey-20091028105935926_640w.jpg[/img]

A kid friendly game where mickey has to repaint a wasteland, very fun to play and the monsters would not scare a 4 year old, but the game features the good oil mickey instead of the annoying one we have today.

Also I like how everyone who defends epic mickey doesnt aswer my question “What happend to the scary pictures!” the gameplay pictures doesnt look anothing like them, neither do the monsters of the wasteland, disney lied, if the beeetleborx are a scrapped art, then WHY PUBLISH THEM?

And if Epic fail mickey fails, its not because we fail as a support base, its because disney failed

Those pictures were just concept art right? I don’t see what’s the big deal. Especially seeing how all of us on this board loves animation, and knows how concept art is just that, a concept, and not what actually makes it into the final product. Just parts of it. I don’t remember the members name, or if the member still has the picture in their signature. But, somebody on here had a picture of Lotso laying in the street, on his stomach, while it was raining. That was a piece of concept art somebody did at Pixar. That version of Lotso looks so mean. Pixar would have never let that version into the move. But they took parts of that art and put it into the film.

I’m glad that it’s not that scary. I can’t deal with scary games. I use to have Resident Evil 2 for the PSone. And after having some arms break through a wall and grab me, and have a Licker fall from the ceiling and come after me, I was done. I haven’t played a scary game since. I’m looking forward to Epic Mickey.

That was a piece of concept art somebody did at Pixar. That version of Lotso looks so mean. Pixar would have never let that version into the move. But they took parts of that art and put it into the film.


Yeah, but the concept of lotso continued in the movie, and making lotso look more innocent was good for his character, the concept did not dissapear for the movie, unlike the art concept for epic mickey , the disney ciborgs dissapeared entirely, and if you see the concept art pictures and then see the gameplay pictures, youll swear that they are from 2 diferent games.

PD: resident evil rocks, you should give it another chance

Concept art is concept art. Things change. Most of that concept art first came out YEARS ago.

And I would like to point out that a truly disturbing/scary horror Disney game would be EXTREMELY niche. Most horror fans wouldn’t buy it because it was Disney, and though many Disney fans thought it would be better as a horror game, not enough to make all that much of a lucrative market. What you need to remember is that these games are not made for you. Most likely, Disney is giving it a “Nightmare Before Christmas” tone–weird and twisted, but not really all that “scary.” And don’t complain that this just means Disney is being a bunch of money-grubbers and ruined the game for it. Disney is a business, and they can’t produce anything if they can’t make money off of it. “For the art of it” really doesn’t apply in these kinds of markets.

In my opinion, its a smart move. Disney did not “lie.” “Lying” would be if they deliberately made up monsters and art, telling you it would be in the game and it wasn’t. They published concept art as it was made, and over the years in development the game changed.

And I don’t think you realize the WORK Disney put into this game. For example, you know Oswalt? Yeah, Disney didn’t actually own the rights to him. Universal did. The CEO of Disney actually traded one of their ABC newscasters to Universal to get the rights to a cartoon rabbit. TELL me that isn’t bada**.

^Thank you.

That’s all I’m going to say in this thread from here on out.

Not logic. Theory. Which doesn’t always work. For Epic Mickey it did. You, and others who’s attention was caught by these art works, prove that, even if your comments are negative you’re talking about it and that alone is the goal.

Keep in mind, that concept art wasn’t officially released by Disney. Some artist just put it on his portfolio site, and it got leaked. They weren’t promising anything.