Fake Knockoff Toy Story Stuff

I will have night mares about that Jessie until I die. Why is Woody so much bigger than Buzz in the video? Lame. I hate fake toys

I can see the official synopsis of Toy Story 4:

"In Toy Story 4, the sequel to the successful Toy Story 3, Woody, Buzz and the rest of the gang face their biggest challenge yet. When [spoil]Bonnie [/spoil]travels to China and looses the toys, they must face their worst fears: battle the knockoff versions of themselves!

Commanded by the gunner police Wudy (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and Buz Iron-Lightyear (Robert Downey Jr.), the deadly group, conformed by Jessy the Manly Cowgirl, Rexxx the Green Gecko, The Nasty Potatoes, Without-a-Slinky the Yellow Dog, Jam the Piggy-Weirdo and a Messiah-hands Alien, have grown bitter as a result of their amorphous bodies, and are set for destruction.

It’s up to the original, more expensive gang of beloved toys to stop their madness and end their suffering
 in an incinerator"

those are HORRIBLE the only ones that i can stand are the potato heads!

I feel like screaming. Those things look AWFUL. shudders

Yeah, that’s the main reason I don’t buy these. I’m actually deeply amused by bootlegs like these but the fear of possible poisoness plastic and paint keep me from buying these for novelty value

Wow, just wow. Those bootleg toys look pretty ugly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who makes these? They should probably get a life, then some dignity.

I never get tired looking at knock off toys! They’re so funky looking!

That Jessie looks more like a Jeff to me.

Ha, that’s true. Jessie always ends up looking like she’s under the influence of something or looking homicidal.

Or, in this case and the TSC, a transvestite. :smiley:

Totally. I follow an entire blog dedicated to them bootlegactionfigures.com/blog/


Well, the TSC does look like a transvestite. Don’t you think? :laughing:

That’s a great blog! I laughed with every single one.

Oh my gosh? A gun! It actually made me laugh. Woody would never use a gun!

Do all three! lol
OMG. Look at that top left buzz. :open_mouth: And, lol, that different eyed rex.

lol, Jessie scares me a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:

I never even noticed he had a gun. That’s knockoff toys for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

which picture has the gun? i dont see it!
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