Fake Knockoff Toy Story Stuff

Wow, just wow. Those bootleg toys look pretty ugly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who makes these? They should probably get a life, then some dignity.

I never get tired looking at knock off toys! They’re so funky looking!

That Jessie looks more like a Jeff to me.

Ha, that’s true. Jessie always ends up looking like she’s under the influence of something or looking homicidal.

Or, in this case and the TSC, a transvestite. :smiley:

Totally. I follow an entire blog dedicated to them bootlegactionfigures.com/blog/


Well, the TSC does look like a transvestite. Don’t you think? :laughing:

That’s a great blog! I laughed with every single one.

Oh my gosh? A gun! It actually made me laugh. Woody would never use a gun!

Do all three! lol
OMG. Look at that top left buzz. :open_mouth: And, lol, that different eyed rex.

lol, Jessie scares me a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:

I never even noticed he had a gun. That’s knockoff toys for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

which picture has the gun? i dont see it!
here is more maddness:

My favorite part about these bootleg toys are the horrific wrapping their in. I love all the different colors Buzz comes in! :laughing:

It’s in the youtube video underneath! Woodys sound effects are bullets!

Those Buzzes are weird…I’m scarred for life.

I hate to say this, but I think I could make better knock off toys than these people!

ohhhhh, i thought you meant an actual gun accesory