Fake Knockoff Toy Story Stuff

That Jessie looks more like a Jeff to me.

Ha, that’s true. Jessie always ends up looking like she’s under the influence of something or looking homicidal.

Or, in this case and the TSC, a transvestite. :smiley:

Totally. I follow an entire blog dedicated to them bootlegactionfigures.com/blog/


Well, the TSC does look like a transvestite. Don’t you think? :laughing:

That’s a great blog! I laughed with every single one.

Oh my gosh? A gun! It actually made me laugh. Woody would never use a gun!

Do all three! lol
OMG. Look at that top left buzz. :open_mouth: And, lol, that different eyed rex.

lol, Jessie scares me a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:

I never even noticed he had a gun. That’s knockoff toys for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

which picture has the gun? i dont see it!
here is more maddness:

My favorite part about these bootleg toys are the horrific wrapping their in. I love all the different colors Buzz comes in! :laughing:

It’s in the youtube video underneath! Woodys sound effects are bullets!

Those Buzzes are weird…I’m scarred for life.

I hate to say this, but I think I could make better knock off toys than these people!

ohhhhh, i thought you meant an actual gun accesory

Maybe you could, friend. Maybe you could. :slight_smile:

I have seen so many cheap toys (bootleg or otherwise) use that :laughing:

I’ve got something. It’s not exactly a bootleg toy, but instead it’s a bootleg game which seems to be based on the old Toy Story game for the SNES and Genesis:

youtube.com/watch?v=pyJ56jN9 … re=related

The english is so laughingly bad they’ve even spelled some of the words wrong. For example, “downstairs” is spelt as “dountstairs” and “baby monitor” is spelt as “baby monstor”. Even some of the words have wrong first letters, like “Hamm” is spelt as “Wamm”. XD